Scripophily is the study and collection of historic stocks and bonds
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Gerne bewerte ich unverbindlich Ihre historischen Wertpapiere – auf Wunsch auch Ankauf zu Höchstpreisen.
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Aktuell suche ich im Kundenauftrag bis zur Bedarfsdeckung die nachfolgenden historischen Wertpapiere zur Geschichte von Grossbritannien:

20th Century Investment Co., Ltd., 1929, Ordinary Shares
20th Century Investment Co., Ltd., 1929, Pref. Shares
A. Darracq & Company (1905) Ltd., 1906, share, 5 x 1 £
A & F. Pears Ltd., London, 1955, pref. shares, à 10 £
A. J. Stevens & Co. (1914) Ltd., 1926, shares, à 1 £
A. Vedrine & Co., 1907, 5 shares, à 1 £
A. Vedrine & Co., London, 1906, Share Warrant, à 1 £
Abbé Daney Fire Extinguisher Co., 1913, 20.000 shares, à 1 shilling
Abbey Road Building Society, London, 1928, shares, à 25 £
Aberdare and Plymouth Co. Ltd., 1876, Debenture B, 100 £
Aberdeen Glen Line Steam Ship Co., Aberdeen, 1885, Call for shares
Aberdeen Music Hall Co., Ltd., Aberdeen, 2 Shares
Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co., Aberdeen, 1857, shares
Abingdon-Ecco Ltd., 1908, shares, à 1 £
Abingdon-Ecco Ltd., 1914, shares, à 1 £
Addington Palace Golf Club Ltd., 1951, Note, 5 £
Adelphi Bank, Liverpool, 1863, share, 20 £
African Steam Ship Co., Liverpool, 1922, 6 % Debenture stock, 100 £
African Steam Ship Co., London, 1924, shares, à 1 £
Agricultural & Horticultural Association Ltd., Westminster / Manchester, 1871, 1 share, à 1 L
Alaska Goldfields Ltd., London, 1899, shares, à 1£
Albany Steam Navigation Co., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Alexandra Park Co., 1863, 5 shares class A, à 5 £
Alldays & Onions Pneumatic Engineering Co., 1916, pref. shares, à 1 £
Alliance British & Foreign Life & Fire Assurance Co., London, 1824, shares à 100 £
Alliance British & Foreign Life & Fire Assurance Co., London, 1855, Share, 100 £
Alliance Marine Assurance Co., London, 1871, Consolidated share, à 100 £
Allsopp Brewery Investments Ltd., London, 1954, 3 % Debenture Stock, 153 £
Alturas Gold Ltd., London, 1888, 30 shares, à 1 £
Amalgamated Pictorials, 1910, shares, à 5 sh
Amazon Steam Navigation Co., London, 1899, shares, à 12 £ 10 sh
American and Dominions Unbreakable Records. Ltd., 1929, shares, à 10 sh
Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers) Ltd., 1899, pref. shares, à 10 £
Anchor Line (Henderson Brothers) Ltd., 1933, pref. shares, à 10 £
Andrew Handyside & Co. Ltd., 1876, 13 shares, à 20 £
Anglo Belgian Patent Flax Wool and Cotton Co., Florenvaux bei Namur, 1853, Action, 5 x 100 Frs. = 20 £
Anglo Belgique Shipping Co., 1918, shares, à 1 £
Anglo-American Inventions Syndicate Ltd., 1900, shares, à 1 £
Anglo-American Telegraph Company, Ltd., London, 1909, Deferred ordinary stock, 50 £
Anglo-Belgian Welsbach Incandescent Gas Light Co., London, 1899, 5 shares, à 1 £
Anglo-Californian Gold Mining Co., 1852, Share, 10 Shillings
Anglo-Celtic Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1923, shares, à 1 £
Anglo-Celtic Shipping Company Ltd., Cardiff, 1920, shares, à 10 sh
Anglo-Egyptian Oilfields Ltd., London, 1936, 25 shares, à 1 £
Anglo-European Steamship Co., 1920, shares, à 1 sh
Anglo-European Steamship Co., 1920, pref. shares, à 1 £
Anglo-Ottoman Tobacco Co., London, 1913, share, 4 £
Anglo-Ottoman Tobacco Co., London, 1913, pref. share, 4 £
Anglo-Russian Copper Mining Syndicate, London, 1899, Founders‘ Shares, à 1 s
Angus Watson and Co. Ltd., Newcastle upon-Tyne, 1920, Certificat for cash payment
Annittina Shipping Co., 1916, shares, à 10 £
Anti Dry-Rot Co., 1841, Share, 25 £
Argentine Lands & Industries Ltd., Buenos Aires / London, 1930, 1 share, à 1 £ stg.
Argentine Meat Preserving Co., London, 1897, pref. shares, à 10 £
Art Union of Scotland for the promotion of Fine Arts, Edinburgh, 1846, Receipt for Subscription of one share, 1 Guinea
Arthur Guinness Son & Co., 1894, 6 % pref. stock, 10 £
Arthur Guinness Son & Co., 1931, ordinary stock, 5 £
Arthur Guinness Son & Co., 1968, 6 % pref. stock, 1.275 x 1 £
Associated County Halls & Theatres Ltd., 1912, 200 Shares
Associated Fisheries Ltd., 1938, 7, 5 % cum.pref. stock, 140 £
Associated Fisheries Ltd., 1949, 4, 5 % cum.pref. stock, 100 £
Associated Fisheries Ltd., 1938, ordinary stock, 46/15 £
Aster Shipping Co., 1920, shares, à 5 sh
Asylum Life Assurance Co., 1824, 1 share
Atlantic Royal Mail Steam Navigation Company Ltd., 1860, 5 shares, à 10 L
Atlas Industries Ltd., Hong Kong, 1985, shares, à 0, 25 HK$
Australasian Incandescent Gas Light Co., London, 1895, 10 shares, à 1 £
Australasian Pacific Mail Steam Packet Co., 1852, 1 share, à 20 £
Australian Coking and By-Products Co., 1913, 125 shares, à 1 £
Australian Maikop Oil Co., London, 1917, shares, à 2 sh
Australian Royal Mail Steam Navigation, 1852, 1 share
AVIS Steamships Ltd., 1886, shares, à 10 £
Axe Insurance Co. Ltd., 1946, shares, à 1 £
Ayr & Maybole Junction Railway Co., 1854, 1 share, 50 x 10 £
Babcock & Wilcox Ltd., 1953, Debenture Stock, 200 £
Bahamas International Trading Co., 1927, shares, à 1 £
Bailbrook House Ltd., London, 1899, Share, à 100 £
Baird Television Ltd., 1936, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Baird Television Ltd., 1936, pref. shares, à 5 sh
Baku Consolidated Oilfields Ltd., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Baku Consolidated Oilfields Ltd., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Baku Consolidated Oilfields Ltd., 1919, pref. shares (partly paid), à 1 £
Baku Consolidated Oilfields Ltd., 1932, pref. shares (fully paid), à 1 £
Baku Russian Petroleum Co. (1909) Ltd., London, 1910, shares, à 5 s.
Bank Line Ltd., Glasgow, 1913, pref. shares, à 1 £
Bank of Egypt, London, 1908, shares, à 25 £
Bank of Egypt, London, 1909, shares, à 25 £
Bank of Egypt, London, 1901, shares, à 25 £
Bank of England, London, 1876, Share, 225.6 £
Bank of England, South Sea House, London, 1840, Loan, 800 £
Bank of England, London, 1892, Share, … £
Bank of England, London, 1902, Share, … £
Bank of Hindustan, China & Japan, 1863, Share, 100 £
Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas), London, 1952, A Stock certificate, … £
Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas), London, 1937, A Stock certificate, 1 £
Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Overseas), London, 1947, A Stock certificate, 1 £
Barclays Bank Ltd., London, 1953, Stock certificate, … £
Barclays Bank Ltd., London, 1975, Ordinary Stock certificate, 14 £
Barclays Bank Ltd., London, 1960, Ordinary Stock certificate, … £
Barclays Bank PLC, London, 1989, 9, 875 % Bond, 10.000 $
Baring Brothers & Co. Ltd., London, 1975, 24 cum. 1st. pref. shares, à 100 £ stg.
Barnum & Bailey Ltd., 1900, shares, à 1 £
Bastenne & Gaujac Bitumen Company, 1839, 2 shares, à 2 £
Bathampton Steam Navigation Co., 1916, shares, à 10 £
Bedford Corn Exchange Co., Bedford, Share, 12 £
Beechams Pills Ltd., London, 1946, deferred share, à 2 sh 6 p
Beeslack Steamship Co., 1906, shares, à 10 £
Beeston Cycle Company Ltd., Coventry, 1898, 30 shares, à 1 £
Beeston Cycle Company Ltd., Coventry, 1898, 20 pref. shares, à 1 £
Beeston Motor Company, Cheylesmore, Coventry, 1898, shares, à 1 £
Belfast Banking Co., Ltd., Belfast, 1908, Registration certificate, New Shares
Belgian Eastern Junction Railway (C.d.F. de la Jonction de l’Est), Royaux, 1852, Action, 5 x 5 £
Bell Organ and Piano Co., Ltd., Ordinary Shares, X x 1 £
Belle Vue Manchester Ltd., Manchester, 1961, shares, à 1 Shilling
Belsize Motors Ltd., 1924, shares, à 1 s
Belsize Motors Ltd., 1924, 6 % First Mortgage Debenture Stock, £
Bengal Gold & Silver Mining Co. Ltd., London, 1890, 100 shares, à 1 Rupie
Bent’s Brewery Co., Ltd., Liverpool, 1893, 5 6 % pref. shares, à 10 £
Bent’s Brewery Co., Ltd., Liverpool, 1889, 50 shares, à 10 £
Bermuda Telephone Co., London, 1962, 6, 75 % Mortgage Debenture Stock, à £
Bernard Hughes Ltd., 1894, shares, à 5 £
Bernard Hughes Ltd., 1896, pref. shares, à 5 £
Bessemer Saloon Steamboat Co., 1873, Share, 50 £
Birch Lane Working Men’s Club Co., Bowling, 1877, shares, 10 à 1 £
Birmingham Ammunition Co., 1892, 5 % Debenture, 100 £
Birmingham Canal Navigations, 1850, 1 subdivided share, 35 £ 10 s
Birmingham Canal Navigations, 1844, 1 subdivided share, 71 £
Birmingham Church of England Cemetry Co., Birmingham, 1848, Share, 10 £
Blue Bird Motor Co. (1924) Ltd., 1924, pref. shares, à 1 £
Blyth Shipbuilding & Dry Docks Co. Ltd., Northumberland, 1918, shares, à 1 £
Boddingtons’ Breweries Ltd., Manchester, 1960, 11 shares, à 1 £
Bondei Planting and Trading Co. Ltd., Jersey, 1928, 50 shares, à 1 £
Boot‘s Pure Drug Co., Nottingham, 1901, C Pref. Shares, à 1 £
Borough of Cheltenham – Winter Garden Loan, Cheltenham, 1916, Debenture, 150 £
Bradford Cemetry Co., Bradford, 1853, Share
Bradford Water-Works Co., 1849, Second New Quarter Share, o.N.
Brazilian Company, London, 1833, 1 share
Brazilian Company, Conceicao Mine, London, 1836, 5 shares
Bridgewater Navigation Co., 1876, 30 shares
Brighton Gas Light and Coke Company, London, 1823, Share, 20 £
Bristish Electric Traction Co., London, 1953, pref. stock, 175 £
Bristol Channel Steamers Ltd., 1923, shares, à 10 sh
Bristol & Exeter Railway Co., 1841, Share, 100 £
British Acetate Silk Corp. Ltd., London, 1928, deferred shares, à 1 sh
British Aerospace Public Ltd., England & Wales, 2000, 1 american depositary share, für 4 ordinary shares
British African Cold Storage, Ice and Mineral Water Co., London, 1903, 10 shares, à 1 £
British Aircraft Manufacturing, 1935, shares, à 5 Sh
British Airways Plc, London, 1999, American Depository Receipt
British Airways Plc, London, 1999, 1 share, 25 pence (American Depository Share)
British Airways Plc, London, 1999, American Depository Receipt
British Alkali Co., 1846, 5 shares, à 25 £
British America Corp., London, 1898, shares, à 1 £
British Bemberg Ltd., 1931, shares, à 5 Schillings
British Broadcasting Company Ltd., London, 1925, 1share, à 1 L
British Celanese Ltd., 1928, 7, 5 % convertible Bond, 1.000 £ (nullgeziffert)
British & Commonwealth Shipping Co., 1956, pref. shares, à 1 £
British & Commonwealth Shipping Co., 1956, ordinary shares, à 10 / –
British Copper Mining Co., London, 1834, 5 shares, à 1 £
British Cotton Growing Association, Manchester, 1905, 20 shares, à 1 £
British Deli & Langkat Tobacco Co., London, 1889, Shares, à 1 £
British Electric Car Co., Ltd., 1901, pref. shares, à 1 £
British Electric Light Co. Ltd., 1883, shares, à 10 £
British Equitable Bond and Mortgage Corporation Ltd., Liverpool, 1907, Class C Bond, 39.12.0 £
British, Irish & Colonial Silk Company, London, 1828, 5 shares, à 50 £
British & Irish Sugar Refining Co., Ltd., Plymouth, Share, 1 x 25 £
British Lion Film Corp., London, 1946, ordinary stock, 12, 10 £
British Motor Cab Co., 1914, Pref. share, 4 £
British Motor Company, London, 1898, pref. shares, à 1 £
British Motor Corp., Birmingham, 1959, shares, à 5 sh
British Motor & Engineering Co., London, 1906, shares, à 20 s
British Motor Spirit Co., 1921, shares, à 1 £
British Motor Trading Corp., 1919, shares, à 1 £
British Municipal Council Tientsin, Tientsin, 1934, 5, 5 % Debenture, 100 $ Tientsin Currency
British Munitions Co., 1891, shares, à 3 £
British National Opera Co., Ltd., London, 1926, 6% Debenture, 10 £
British Petroleum Co., 1956, ordinary stock, o.N. (specimen)
British Platinum & Gold Corp., London, 1924, shares, à 1 £
British Prometheus Co., London, 1906, pref. shares, à 1 £
British South Africa Co., London, 1927, 5 shares, à 15 s
British South Africa Co., 1902, Certificate of Rights, 3840 shares
British South Africa Co., London, 1926, 25 shares, à 15 s
British South Africa Co. (Beira Railway), London, 1893, 50 shares
British South Africa Co. (Beira Railway), London, 1895, 100 shares
British South Africa Co. (Beira Railway), London, 1893, 20 shares
British South Africa Co. (Beira Railway), London, 1930, 20 shares
British South Africa Company, London, 1955, Units, à 15 sh
British Steam Fisheries Co., 1856, share, 10 £
British West African Trading Co. formerly Tin Areas of Nigeria, London, 1920, shares, à 5 sh
Briton Ferry Chemical & Manure Co., London, 1918, shares, à 1 £
Briton Motor Co., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Brittany Steamship Co., 1883, shares, à 50 £
Broadwest Films, Ltd., London, 1916, 100 pref. shares, à 10 s
Brush Electric Light & Power Co. of Scotland, 1882, 10 shares, à 5 £
Brynymor Steamship Co., preference stock, à 1 £
Buck’s Fleet Motors Ltd., 1920, 10 % Debenture, 50 £
Burma Corporation Ltd., Rangun, 1940, 100 shares, à 9 Rupies
Burton & Lincoln Breweries, Ltd., 1890, 10 pref. shares, 10 £
Butlin‘s (Bahamas) Ltd., 1953, pref. shares, à 1 £
Bwana M’Kubwa Copper Mining Co., London, 1910, shares, à 10 sh (mit 5 sh eingezahlt)
Bwana M’Kubwa Copper Mining Co., London, 1914, shares, à 10 sh (volleingezahlt)
Caledonia Copper Co. Ltd., London, 1904, 138 shares, à 5 £
Callao & Lima & Pacific Coast Railway, Lima, 1850, 5 shares, à 1 £
Callao & Lima & Pacific Coast Railway, Lima, 1850, 10 shares, à 1 £
Callao & Lima & Pacific Coast Railway, Lima, 1850, 20 shares, à 1 £
Callow Park Dairy Co., Ltd., 1901, 5% Debenture, 51, 10 £
Cambergi Slate Co., 1874, 9 shares, à 20 £
Cambridge Cemetery Co., Cambridge, 1843, shares, à 10 £
Canterbury Navigation & Sandwich Harbour Co., Canterbury, 1826, 1 share, à 25 £
Cape Steam Shipping Co., Glasgow, 1900, shares, à 10 £
Cape Steam Shipping Co., Glasgow, 1902, shares, à 10 £
Capitol Freehold Land & Investment Co. Ltd., 1915, deferred shares, 7.10.0 £
Car Trust Realisation Co. Ltd., London, 1906, 200 shares, à 5 sh
Car Trust Realisation Co. Ltd., London, 1906, 5 % Bond, 10 £
Carballino Gold and Arsenic Mines, London, 1907, Share, 1 £
Carbides Ltd., 1900, 50 shares, à 1 £
Carlisle Biscuit Co., 1865, Share, 20 £
Carlisle Masonic Hall Co., Ltd., 1897, 5 shares, à 1 £
Carlisle Race Stand Co., 1903, 1 share, à 40 £
Carmarthen and Cardigan Railway, London, 1864, Interest Warrant, 3 £ 3 shillings
Carshalton Public Hall Co., 1875, 13 shares, à 1 £
Castle-Eden Steamship Co., 1885, 20 shares, à 1 £
Caucasus Copper Co., London, 1923, shares, à 1 £
Caucasus Copper Co., London, 1912, 5 % debenture class B, 100 £
Caucasus Copper Co., London, 1913, 5 % debenture class A, 100 £
Celtic plc, Glasgow, 1997, 18 shares, à 1 £
Celtic plc, Glasgow, 1995, 5 Convertible Cum. Pref. Shares, à 60 £
Celtic plc, Glasgow, 1999, 500 shares, à 1 pence
Central Corn Exchange for Branbury Co., 1857, 5 shares
Central India Mining Company Ltd., Bombay, 1927, 10 shares, à 10 Rupees
Ceylon Company, 1870, 1 share, à 20 £
Ceylon Tea Plantations Co., London, 1893, pref. shares, à 10 £
Channel Bridge & Railway Co., London, 1891, Founders Stock, 4 £
Channel Bridge & Railway Co., London, 1889, Stock, 4 £
Channel Steel Co., Westminster, 1917, deferred shares, à 1 sh
Channel Steel Co., Westminster, 1917, pref. shares, à 1 £

Channel Tubular Railway Preliminary Co., London, 1892, 5 Parts de Fondateurs, o.N.
Channel Tunnel Company, Ltd., London, 1929, 132 shares, à 4 S
Charing Cross West End and City Electricity Supply Co. Ltd., London, 1914, 100 cumulative pref. shares, à 5 £
Charles Cammel & Co. Ltd., 1866, Transfer Certificate, 10 shares
Charles Lafitte and Company Ltd., London, 1866, 1 share, à 20 £
Charles Marsden & Sons Ltd., 1919, pref. shares, à 1 £
Charles Semon & Co. Ltd., 1923, shares, à 1 £
Chartered Bank, London, 1961, Certificate of Stock, 26 £
Charterland Goldfields Limited, London, 1890, 25 shares, à 1 £ stg. = 25 F
Chatma Oilfield Co. Ltd., London, 1903, 100 Shares, à 1 £
Chaudfontaine Casino & Club Co., London, 1896, 4 shares, à 1 £
Cheadle Textiles Ltd., 1932, shares, à 1 £
Chelsea Village plc, London, 2003, commemorative share certificate, 100 $
Cheltine Foods & Chocolate Ltd., London, 1905, 5 % Mortgage Debenture, 25 £
Cheque Bank Ltd., 1894, shares, à 5 £
Cheque Bank Ltd., 1889, 5 % Obligation, 100 £
Chester Gas Light Co., 1846, 1 share, à 10 £
Chester Race Co., 1906, share, 100 £
Chicago Breweries Ltd., London, 1924, Debenture stock certificate, 500 £
Chicago Breweries Ltd., London, 1924, 25 shares, à 5 £
Chrysler United Kingdom Ltd. (Rootes Motors Ltd.), London, 1964, 7 % Cum. Pref. Shares, 3.875 x 1 £ stg.
Church of England Life & Fire Assurance, Trust & Annuity Institution, London, 1845, 5 shares, à 50 £
Church Schools Company, Westminster, 1927, shares, à 5 £
Cie. de Navigation Economique, Glasgow, 1886, Share, 40 £ = 1.000 F
Cie. Gén. des Omnibus de Londres (London General Omnibus Co.), Paris, 1855, Action, 100 F = 1 £
Cie. Gén. des Omnibus de Londres (London General Omnibus Co.), Paris, 1855, Action, 100 F = 1 £
Cie. Gén. des Omnibus de Londres (London General Omnibus Co.), Paris, 1855, Action, 100 F = 1 £
Cinematograph Finance Corp., Ltd., 1911, Shares, 20 x 5 Sch
City Equitable Associated Ltd., 1921, pref. shares, à 1 £
City Life Assurance Co., Finsbury, 1915, deferred shares, à 1 £
City of Glasgow Union Railway Co., Glasgow, 1883, 4 % Mortgage, 2.000 £
City of Glasgow Union Railway Co., Glasgow, 1874, pref. shares, à 10 £
City of Glasgow Union Railway Co., Glasgow, 1886, 4 % Debenture Stock, £
City of Glasgow Union Railway Co., Glasgow, 1880, Preferential Stock, £
City of Manchester, Manchester, 1886, 4 % Stock, 100 £
City of Moscow Gas Co., 1866, 8 % Debenture, 20 £ = 500 F
City of San Paulo Improvements & Freehold Land Co., 1948, Ordinary Stock, 2 £
City of San Paulo Improvements & Freehold Land Co., 1913, 6 % Debenture, 100 £ = 2.520 F
City of San Paulo Improvements & Freehold Land Co., 1927, 5 shares, à 1 £
City of San Paulo Improvements & Freehold Land Company Ltd., 1913, 6 % Debenture, 20 £ = 504 F
City of San Paulo Improvements & Freehold Land Company Ltd., 1912, 6 % Debenture, 20 £ = 500 F
City Railway, London, 1836, 5 shares, 50 £
Cliftophone and Records Ltd., 1928, 250 shares, à 1 Sch
Co-operative Cruising Co., 1900, pref. share, à 1 £
Coca-Cola Beverages plc, 2000, 1 share, 0, 50 £
Coliseum Cinema (Southport) Ltd., 1937, 100 shares, à 1 £
Colonial Bank (Barclays Bank), London, 1837, Stock certificate, 2.000 £
Colonial & General Investment Trust Ltd., 1963, shares, à 5 sh
Colt Gun and Carriage Company, Ltd., 1901, 150 shares, à 1 £stg.
Commercial Rooms, Bristol, 1814, Share, o.N.
Commonwealth Unit Trust Fund, London, 1959, units
Company of Proprietors of the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal Navigation, 1793, Share, 100 £
Congress Hall Co. of Whitby, 1879, Share, 5 £
Connemara Mining Co. of Ireland, London, 1852, 5 Shares, à 1 £
Consolidated Electrical Co. Ltd., 1903, shares, à 1 £
Consolidated Telephone Construction and Maintenance Co., 1884, share, à 1 £ (Specimen)
Consumers Direct Fish Supply Association, 1888, 50 shares, à 1 £
Continental and Colonial Explosives Ltd., London, 1912, Shares, 5 x 1 £
Continental Co. for the Purchase of Thompson’s Patents for Boat Building by Machinery, London, 1863, shares, à 1 £
Continental Mining and Metallurgical Co., London, Aktie, 4 £
Copaquire Copper Sulphate Co. Ltd., London, 1902, 5 shares, à 5 £
Corporation of Liverpool, Liverpool, 1795, Bond, 50 £
Council of Foreign Bondholders – Registration of the Turkish Debt, London, 1882, Fractional Certificate, 6 % Loan of 1862
Council of Foreign Bondholders – Registration of the Turkish Debt, London, 1882, Fractional Certificate, 9 % Treasury Bonds of 1872
Craggs Steamship Co. Ltd., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Craggs Steamship Co. Ltd., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Cranbrook Gas & Coke Co., Cranbrook, 1839, Share, 10 £
Crédit Foncier Ottoman Ltd., London, 1910, 5 % Obligation, 100 FCressington Steamship Co., 1914, shares, à 1 £
Cressington Steamship Co., 1915, shares, à 1 £
Cressington Steamship Co., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Cripple Creek Gold & Exploration Ltd., London, 1896, shares, à 5 sh
Cripple Creek Gold Fields Ltd., London, 1896, shares, à 1 £
Cripple Creek Gold Fields Ltd., London, 1898, shares, à 1 £
Cripple Creek Pioneers, London, 1896, shares, à 1 £
Crowden & Keeves Ltd., 1921, shares, à 1 £
Crown Mines Ltd., London, 1909, 1 share, à 10 £
Croydon Tramways Co., 1897, Stock, 7 £ 10 sh
Crysede Ltd., 1933, shares, à 1 £
Crystal Palace Company, London, 1894, ordinary A shares, 5 L
Cunard Steam Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1913, 4, 5 % Debenture, 50 £
Cunard Steam Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1911, 4, 5 % Mortgage Debenture Stock, £
Cunard Steam-Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1954, ordinary shares, à 1 £
Cunard Steam-Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1957, ordinary shares, à 1 £
Cunard Steam-Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1927, ordinary shares, à 1 £
Cunard Steam-Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1923, preference stock, 5 %
Cunard Steam-Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1926, ordinary shares, à 1 £
Cunard Steam-Ship Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1953, second preference stock, 6 %
Cunnell and Co. Ltd., 1921, pref. shares, à 1 £
Cwm Celyn & Blaina Iron Co., Monmouthshire, 1839, Share, 250 £
Daily Mail and General Trust Ltd., London, 1946, 100 shares, à 1 £
Daimler-Benz UK plc, London, 1997, 7 % Note, 100.000 L
Dalziels Atlantic Telegram Co., Ltd., 1893, Shares, 3 x 100 £
Daniell & Sons’ Breweries Ltd., Colchester, Essex, 1887, 5 % debenture, 250 £
Daniell & Sons’ Breweries Ltd., Colchester, Essex, 1887, 5 % debenture, 500 £
Daniell & Sons’ Breweries Ltd., Colchester, Essex, 1887, 5 % debenture, 1.000 £
Daniell & Sons’ Breweries Ltd., Colchester, Essex, 1892, 5 % debenture, 100 £
Daniell & Sons’ Breweries Ltd., Colchester, Essex, 1893, 5 % debenture, 100 £
Daniell & Sons’ Breweries Ltd., Colchester, Essex, 1887, 5 % debenture, 100 £
Darlington Iron Co. Ltd., Darlington, 1873, Share, 20 £
Dartmoor Consolidated Tin Mines Co., 1840, 5 shares, à 5 £
David & William Henderson & Co. Ltd., Meadowside Works, 1904, pref. shares, à 1 £
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., London, 1932, 5 pref. shares, à 2 £ 10 sh
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., London, 1902, 10 pref. shares, à 2 £ 10 sh
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., London, 1902, 1 pref. share, à 2 £ 10 sh
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., London, 1930, 1 pref. share, à 2 £ 10 sh
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd., London, 1969, 100 deferred shares, à 5 cents
De Dion Bouton Motor Cab Co., London, 1909, Pref. share, 1 £
Dean Shipping Co., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Delagoa Bay and East African Railway, 1889, shares, à 10 £
Deli-Bedagei Tobacco Plantations Ltd., 6% Debenture, 100 £
Denver United Breweries Ltd., London E.C., 1890, 10 shares, à 10 £
Dependable Upholstery Ltd., 1931, shares, à 1 sh
Deposit & General Life Assurance Co., London, 1852, 5 shares, à 5 £
Derby Canal Company, Derby, 1793, 1 share
Deutsch-Rheinische Bergwerk Gesellschaft, London, 1907, Certificate, 100 £
Devon Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Dickinson Researches Ltd., 1920, pref. shares, à 1 £
Direct Fish Supplies Ltd., 1920, … shares, à 1 £
Direct London & Portsmouth Railway Co., 1846, Share, 50 £
Dobson Steam Fishing Co., 1920, 10 shares, à 1 £
Dominion Gramophone Records Ltd., 1928, 50 shares, à 1 Sch
Dominion Theatre Ltd., 1928, Shares, 75 x 1 Sch
Domo Remedies Ltd., 1937, founders shares, à 1 sh
Donington Gas Co., 1857, Share, 10 £
Dover and East Kent Building and Investment Society, Dover, 1847, 1 share, 120 £
Dreimastsegler Mary Ford, London, 1803, Anteilschein (Bill of Sale), 300 £
Duke of Cornwall’s Harbour and Launceston & Victoria Railway Co., 1836, shares, 5 x 25 £
Dumfries Cemetery Co., Dumfries, 1886, 30 shares, à 1 £
Dundee & Perth & Aberdeen Railway Junction Co., 1865, First class pref. stock, 40 £
Dundee Perth and London Shipping Co., Dundee, 1886, shares, 1 £
Dundee Perth and London Shipping Co., Dundee, 1914, shares, 1 £
Dundee Perth and London Shipping Co., Dundee, 1868, Capital Stock, 16 Shares
Dunderland Iron Ore Co., 1904, shares, à 5 £
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co., 1907, shares, à 1 £
Dunlop Rubber, 1952, Debenture, 2.679 £
Dunlop Rubber Co., 1926, 6 % 2nd. Mortgage Debenture, 100 £
Duophone and Unbreakable Record Co. Ltd., 1928, Shares, 50 x 10 Sch
E. Mendelssohn & Co. 1906 Ltd., London, 1906, 5 pref. shares, à 1 £
E. Mendelssohn & Co. 1906 Ltd., London, 1906, share, 1 £
E.P. Cigarettes Ltd., 1913, 6 % Debenture, 10 £
Earth Oil Import Co., 1863, shares, à 10 £
East Atlantic Fisheries Ltd., 1936, Shares, 100 x 1 £
East India Irrigation & Canal Co., 1860, Share, 20 £
East Indian Iron Co., 1854, class A share, 10 £
East Indian Railway Co., 1856, share, 20 £
East Indian Railway Co., 1853, shares, à 20 £
East Kent Colliery Co., 1910, shares, à 5 sh
East Kent Shipping Co., 1864, Share, 20 £
East London Water Works, London, 1812, Shares, 5 x 100 £
East-India Compagny, London, 1848, Aktie, 433 £ 10 sh 6 p
East-India Compagny, London, 1840, Aktie, 2.600 £
East-India Compagny, London, 1735, Vollmacht für die Wahl des Direktoriums
East-India Company, 1754, 3, 5 % Annuity, 100.15 £
Eastern Steam Navigation Co., 1851, Share, 20 £
Eastern Van Ryn & Modderfontein Gold Reefs Ltd., 1921, deferred shares, à 5 sh
Eastern Van Ryn & Modderfontein Gold Reefs Ltd., 1921, shares, à 5 sh
Ebbw Vale Steel Iron & Coal Co., 1933, shares, à 1 sh
Ebbw Vale Steel Iron & Coal Co., 1933, pref. shares, à 5 sh
Eccles Rubber & Cycle Co., Liverpool, 1898, Share, à 1 £
Edderside Shipowning Co., 1884, shares, à 25 £
Eden Fisher & Co., London, 1936, shares, à 1 £
Edinburgh & Glasgow Union Canal Co., Edinburgh, 1821, Interimsschein für 1 share, 5 £
Edison Bell (International) Ltd., 1929, 200 shares, à 1 £
Edison-Bell Cons. Phonograph Co., 1902, pref. shares, à 1 £
Egyptian Commercial & Trading Co., 1866, shares, à 20 £
Egyptian Estates Ltd., London, 1905, 10 shares, à 1 £
Egyptian Estates Ltd., London, 1906, 5 shares, à 1 £
Egyptian Estates Ltd., London, 1907, 25 shares, à 1 £
Egyptian Estates Ltd., London, 1905, 50 shares, à 1 £
Egyptian Estates Ltd., London, 1906, 100 shares, à 1 £
Egyptian Land and General Trust Ltd., London, 1912, 5 shares, à 1 £
Egyptian Land and General Trust Ltd., London, 1907, 1 share, à 1 £
Einstein’s Electro Chemical Process Ltd., London, 1933, Pref. Shares, à 1 £
Einstein’s Electro Chemical Process Ltd., London, 1929, Shares, X x 4 Sch
Einstein’s Electro Chemical Process Ltd., London, 1930, shares, à 4 sh
El Gallao General Gold Mining Co., London, 1906, share, 10 x 1 £ = 25 F
Elands Drift Diamond Estates Ltd., London, 1902, shares, à 1 £
Elands Drift Diamond Estates Ltd., London, 1902, 5 shares, à 1 £
Elands Drift Diamond Estates Ltd., London, 1903, 10 shares, à 1 £
Elands Drift Diamond Estates Ltd., London, 1903, 25 shares, à 1 £
Elder Dempster and Company Ltd., 1914, 6 % pref. shares, à 1 £
Elder Dempster and Company Ltd., 1933, 150 cumulative pref. shares, à 1 £
Elder Dempster and Company Ltd., 1923, 6 % pref. shares, à 1 £
Elder Dempster and Company Ltd., 1912, 5 % cumulative pref. shares, à 1 £
Electric Clock Co., 1868, Share, 5 £
Electro Bleach and By-Products Ltd., 1915, Debenture, 100 £
Electro-Chemical Co., Ltd., London, 1895, shares, 3 x 5 £
Electrolytic Co. (Spain & Portugal) Ltd., London, 1909, Founders Share, 1 sh
Electrolytic Co. (Spain & Portugal) Ltd., London, 1908, Share, 1 £
Electrolytic Co. (Spain & Portugal) Ltd., London, 1911, Share, 5 x 1 £
Electrolytic Co. (Spain & Portugal) Ltd., London, 1911, Share, 20 x 1 £
Elmore’s Metal Co., London, 1929, shares, à 1 sh
Eltringhams Ltd., 1920, shares, à 10 sh
Eltringhams Ltd., 1920, 8 % pref. shares, à 10 sh
Emerald and Phoenix Brewing Co., Ltd., London E.C., 1890, 10 shares, à 10 £
Emerald Mines of Columbia Ltd., London, 1889, 1 share, à 1 £
Empire Assurance Corp. Ltd., London, 1866, shares
Endolithic Company Ltd., 1884, 100 shares, à 5 £
Endurite Leadless Paint Co., Ltd., 1913, Ordinary Shares, 60 x 1 £
Endurite Leadless Paint 3, Co., Ltd., 1913, Pref. Shares, 200 x 1 £
England War Loan 1932, Amsterdam, 1947, 5 % Certificaat, 50 £
England War Loan 1932, Amsterdam, 1947, 3, 5 % Certificaat, 100 £
Englischer Staat – 14 per Cent Annuities, 1770, 14 % Staatsanleihe (Ewige Rente), 50 £
Englischer Staat – £ 3 per Cent Annuities, London, 1763, 3 % Staatsanleihe, 500 £
Englischer Staat – £ 3 per Cent Annuities Anno 1765, attended with the Benefit of Survivorship, London, 1766, 10 % Staatsanleihe, 100 £
Englischer Staat – £ 3.10 per Cent Annuities for 24 Years from 5th July 1758, London, 1764, 50 % Staatsanleihe, 718.15 £
Englischer Staat – 5 per Cent Annuities, Consolidated, 1791, 5 % Staatsanleihe (Ewige Rente), 535 £
Englischer Staat – Consolidated £ 3 per Cent Annuities, 1847, 3 % Anleihe, £ 100
Englischer Staat – Consolidated £ 3 per Cent Annuities, 1812, 3 % Anleihe, £ 600
Englischer Staat – Consolidated £ 3 per Cent Annuities, London, 1791, 3 % Staatsanleihe, 150 £
Englischer Staat – Consolidated 4 per Cent Annuities, 1770, 4 % Staatsanleihe (Ewige Rente), 1.770 £
Englischer Staat – First Annuities, 1708, London, 1789, 10 % Staatsanleihe, 10 £
Englischer Staat – Metropolitan Consolidated Stock (£ 3 10 s. per cent), London, 1876, Staatsanleihe, 4.920 £
Englischer Staat – Navy five per cent Annuities, 1821, 5 % Interest or Share, … £
Englischer Staat – New Four per Cent Annuities, London, 1825, 4 % Staatsanleihe, 500 £
Englischer Staat – New Four per cent Annuities (Dividends in Navy Five per cent), London, 1824, Power for Sale: 5 % Staatsanleihe, 50 £
Englischer Staat – Three Pounds Five Shillings per Cent Annuities, 1845, Staatsanleihe, 195.7.3 £
Englischer Staat – Three Pounds Ten Shillings per Cent Reduced Annuities, 1833, Staatsanleihe, 500 £
Englischer Staat – Three Pounds Ten Shillings per Cent Reduced Annuities, 1840, Staatsanleihe, 500 £
Englischer Staat – Three Pounds Ten Shillings per Cent Reduced Annuities, 1842, Staatsanleihe, 500 £
Englischer Staat – Tonnage 1694 – Vigorous War against France, 1749, Annuity, 7 £
Englischer Staat – Vigorous War against France, 1791, Treasury Warrant, 10.10.00 £
Englischer Staat – War Stock 1929-1942, 1923, 4 % Anleihe, 2.600 £
English Apple & Fruit Growing Co., 1890, 25 shares, à 1 £
English Bank of Rio de Janeiro, 1880, Shares, à 20 £
English Bank of the River Plate, 1889, Shares, à 20 £
English & Dutch Meat Co., Ltd., London, 1925, Shares, 500 x 1 £
English & French Bank, Ltd., London / Paris, 1881, Share, 10 £
Equitable Loan Bank, London, 1824, Interimsaktie, Gründungszertifikat, 1 £
Ericsson Shipping Co., 1915, shares, à 1 £
Essequibo Rubber & Tobacco Estates Ltd., London, 1910, shares, à 5 sh
European & American Steam Shipping Co., 1857, share, 9 £
European & American Steam Shipping Co., 1857, Pref. share, 9 £
European Petroleum Co. (1900) Ltd., London, 1900, pref. shares, à 1 £
Exchequer Gold & Silver Mining Co., London, 1880, shares, à 1 £
Explosives & Chemical Products Ltd., 1926, share, 1 x 1 £
Express Motor Cab Company, Ltd., London, 1908, 5 pref. shares, à 1 £

F.I.A.T. Motor Cab Company Ltd., London, 1908, deferred shares, à 1 s
F.I.A.T. Motor Cab Company Ltd., London, 1909, pref. shares, à 1 s
F. W. Woolworth and Co. Ltd., London, 1961, Ordinary Stock, 13 £ 5 s.
F. W. Woolworth & Co., London, 1937, ordinary shares, à 5 sh
F. W. Woolworth & Co., London, 1939, Stock certificate, 25 £
Farco Shipping Co., Glasgow, 1937, shares, à 10 £
Farmers & General Fire & Life Insurance, London, 1842, 20 share, 10 Pounds
Felted Fabric Depot Ltd., London, 1874, 5 shares, à 5 £
Fenris Films Ltd., London, 1907, Shares, 5 x 1 £ stg.
Ferghana Oil Fields Ltd., 1915, 10 shares, à 1 £
Ferghana Oil Fields Ltd., 1911, 5 shares, à 1 £
Financial Times Ltd., 1934, 10 shares, à 1 £
Fire Re-Insurance Corporation, London, 1875, share, 10 £
Fish-Oil & Guano Co., 1898, 800 shares, à 1 £
Fisher & Co. Ltd., Kettlebrook Mills, Tamworth, 1897, 4 % Debenture Stock, 200 £
Fishguard and Rosslare Railways and Harbours Co., 1914, 3 / 3, 5 % Guaranteed Preference Stock, … £
Fishguard and Rosslare Railways and Harbours Co., 1933, 3 / 3, 5 % Guaranteed Preference Stock, … £
Fishguard and Rosslare Railways and Harbours Co., 1950, 3 / 3, 5 % Guaranteed Preference Stock, … £
Folkingham Gas & Coke Co., Kineton, 1863, Share, 5 £
Fordingbridge Town Hall Co., Fordingbridge, 1889, Share, 5 £
Foreign Electric Date & Time Stamp Co., London, 1891, 10 shares, à 1 £
Forest of Dean Central Railway, 1860, Share, 10 £
Forest of Dean Central Railway, 1864, 6 % pref. share, 10 £
Forth Shipbuilding & Engineering Co., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Forth Steam Trawling Co., Edinburgh, 1920, 20 shares, à 1 £
Fortis Powder & Explosives Co. Ltd., London, 1890, 5 shares, à 1 £
Fortis Powder & Explosives Co. Ltd., London, 1890, 1 share, à 1 £
Fortis Powder & Explosives Co. Ltd., London, 1890, 20 shares, à 1 £
Frank Jones Brewering Co., Ltd., London E.C, 1915, 50 pref. shares, à 10 £
Frankfort, Hanau and District Ice Company Ltd., 1884, shares, à 1 L
French Rand Gold Mining Co., London, 1902, 25 shares, à 1 £
French Rand Gold Mining Co., London, 1902, 1 share, à 1 £
French Zoedone Co., 1881, 50 shares, à 1 £
Fulham Football & Athletic Co., 1906, shares, à 10 s
Furness Ship Building Co., Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, 1870, Share, 10 £
Galician Oil Lands & Royalties Trust, London, 1910, 5 % Income Certificate, à 200 Shares
Garrucha Iron Mining Co., Ltd., London, 1901, 6% Debenture, 100 £
Gartness Iron & Steel Works Co., London, 1865, Share, o.N.
Gas Light & Coke Co., 1812, Share, 50 £
Gas Light & Coke Co., 1870, Share Class A, 10 £
General Credit Co., London, 1889, 25 shares, à 5 £
General Expenditure Assurance Co. Ltd., London, 1952, Promissory Note, 5 £
General Expenditure Assurance Co. Ltd., London, 1875, Assurance Bond, 5 £
General Film Renting (1920) Co., 1920, shares, à 1 £
General International Wireless Telegraph & Telephone Co., 1904, shares, à 1 £
General Investment Co., London, 1875, 8 shares Serie A, à 10 £
General Motor Cab Co., 1908, Deferred Share, 1 Schilling
General Omnibus Supply Ltd., 1914, shares, à 1 sh
General Printing & Publishing Co., 1873, Share, 1 £
General Screw Steam Shipping Co., London, 1852, Share, 20 £
Georg III, König von Großbritannien und Irland, Palais St. James, 1786, Patent
Georg III, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae, London, 1770, Edikt
George Angus & Co., 1928, shares, à 1 £
German Athenaeum, London, 1906, Share, 5 £
Giant’s Causeway, Portrush & Bush Valley Railway & Tramway Co., 1904, shares, à 10 £
Gibbs & Flew Ltd., 1883, 200 shares, à 10 £
Gibraltar Gas Co., Gibraltar, 1863, shares, à 50 $
Giles Loder Ltd., London, 1895, 175 shares, à 5 £
Glasgow American Trust Co., Glasgow, 1939, pref. shares, à 1 £
Glasgow and South Western Railway, 1850, share, à 5 £ (Blankette der Gründeraktie)
Gleboff Grosny Petroleum Co., London, 1919, 25 shares, à 1 £
Godfrey Davis Limited, London, 1966, shares, à 5 sh
Godfrey Davis Limited, London, 1977, shares, à 25 pence
Gold Fields of Siam, London, 1889, 1 share, 1 £ stg.
Gold Fields of Siam Ltd., London, 1889, 1 share, 1 £ stg.
Gold Mining Association of France, London, 1889, 10 shares, à 1 £
Gold Mining Association of France, London, 1889, 5 shares, à 1 £
Golf Centres (Overseas) Ltd., London, 1954, Shares, à 1 £
Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., London, 1951, 4 % Debenture Stock
Goonvean China Clay & Stone Co., 1909, shares
Gordon England (1929) Ltd., 1929, shares, à 5/ –
Gorgona Island Coconut Estate Ltd., London, 1918, 2680 shares, à 5 Shillings
Gorsedda Junction & Portmadoc Railways, 1875, Share, 10 £
Gould Steam Ships & Industrials Ltd., 1921, 28 Shares
Gould Steamships & Industrials Ltd., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson’s Bay, London, 1929, 25 shares, à 1 £
Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain Trading to the South Seas (South Sea Company), 1737, Anteilschein, 6500 £
Grainger & Smith, 1923, Shares, 150 £
Grainger & Smith Ltd., shares A, à 10 £ (Teilblankette)
Granada Group Ltd., London, 1960, shares, à 5 sh
Grand Junction Canal Company, 1804, 1 shareGrand Junction Canal Company, 1793, 1 share
Grand Junction Canal Company, 1808, 1 share
Grand Junction Canal Company, 1796, Half Share
Grand Junction Railway Co., 1845, Scrip, for 25 £ Share
Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland, Edinghburg, 1908, Logenpapier
Grand Lodge of Scotland, 1902, Logenpapier
Grand Lodge of Scotland, 1960, Logenpapier
Grand Lodge of Scotland, 1908, Logenpapier
Grand Lodge of Scotland, Edingburgh, 1870, Logenpapier
Grand Lodge of Scotland, Edingburgh, 1865, Logenpapier
Grand Lodge of Scotland, Edingburgh, 1870, Logenpapier
Grayfield Steamship Co., 1900, shares, à 10 £
Grays Chemical Works Ltd., London, 1916, Debenture, 50 £
Great Boulder Mining & Finance Ltd., London, 1935, Option Certificate, shares à 5 sh
Great Boulder Mining & Finance Ltd., London, 1935, shares, à 5 sh
Great Eastern Train Ferries Ltd., 1933, shares, à 1 £
Great Grimsby Coal, Salt & Tanning Co., 1945, shares, à 1 £
Great Grimsby & Sheffield Junction Railway Co., 1846, Share, 12 £ 10 sh
Great Horseless Carriage Co., 1896, shares, à 10 £
Great Indian Peninsula Railway Annuities, London, 1938, Annuity Class A., 50 £
Great North of England Railway Co., 1836, Share, 100 £
Great Northern Investment Trust Ltd., 1966, Stock, 723 £ 15 sh
Great Northern Railway Co., London, 1846, 1 share, 25 £
Great Western Railway, Bristol, 1840, 1/5 share, à 20 £ stg.
Great Yarmouth Fish Selling And Curing Co., London, 1923, Shares, 500 x 2 Sch
Great Yarmouth Fish Selling & Curing Co., London, 1923, Stock, 11, 03 £
Green Dragon Posting Co., Hereford, 1868, Share, 50 £
Greenock Steam Ship Co., Ltd., 1882, Shares, 100 x 5 £
Greenwich Pier Company, 1840, Share, 10 £
Greyhound Racing Association Trust, London, 1956, 243 shares, à 1 Schilling
Grimsby Laundry Co., 1876, Share, 10 £
Group Lotus Car Co., London, 1976, shares, à 10 pence
Group Lotus Car Companies plc., 1985, share, à 10 Pence
Guiana Gold Co., London, 1920, pref. shares, à 10 sh
Guy Motors Ltd., Wolverhampton, 1937, shares, à 1 £
Gwynnes Engineering Company, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Hambro Trust Ltd., 1947, pref. shares, à 1 £
Hambros Investment Trust Ltd., 1961, Stock of, 500 £
Hamilton’s Oil Concessions (Roumania) Ltd., 1925, shares, à 2 sh
Hampshire Fisheries & Reservoirs Co., 1876, Share, 5 £
Hannevig’s Bank, London, 1918, shares, à 5 £
Harper Bean Limited, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Harper Bean Limited, 1921, pref. shares, à 1 £
Harrods Ltd., London, 1933, Pref. Stock, 16 £
Harrods Ltd., London, 1962, 7, 5 % cumulative Pref. Stock, 100 £
Hastings, St. Leonards-on-Sea & Eastbourne Steamboat Co., 1888, Share, 5 £
Hawker Siddeley Aircraft Co., London, 1938, option certificate für 150 ordinary shares, à 5 £
Hazelwood Shipping Co. Ltd., Cardiff, 1915, shares, à 1 £
Hazelwood Shipping Co. Ltd., Cardiff, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Hebden Bridge Cotton & Commercial Co., Hebden Bridge, 1885, Share, 5 £
Helredale Steamship Co., 1906, 5 % Debenture, 50 £
Hendre-Ddu Slate & Slab Quarry Co., London, 1861, Share, 20 £
Henry Glave Ltd., 1928, pref. shares, à 1 £
Hercules Fire & Life Isurance Comp. Ltd., 1864, Aktie, 5 x 2 £stg
Hereford Cottage Improvement Society, Hereford, 1865, Share, 10 £
Herefordshire Club Building Co., Hereford, 1871, Share, 10 £
Herefordshire Middle Class College Co., 1881, 3 shares, o.N.
Herne Bay Pier Company, London, 1842, Share

Herne Bay Steam Packet Co., 1841, Share, 20 £
Home & Colonial Marine Insurance Co. Itd., Share, 35 x 50 £
Home & Continental Investment Co., London, 1964, shares, à 2 sh
Honduras Government Railway Loan, London, 1867, 1 share
Hooper’s Telegraph Works Ltd., London, 1872, 10 shares, à 10 £
Hooper’s Telegraph Works Ltd., London, 1873, 1 Bonus-share
Hopcraft Furnace Co., 1889, 25 shares, à 1 £
Hope Insurance Co., Westminster, 1807, Share, 50 £
Horo Concession Exploration Co. of Swaziland, London, 1892, shares, à 1 £
Horsham Sanitary Steam Laundry Co., 1888, Share, 5 £
Houillères de la Dordogne Mines de Charbon du Lardin Ltd., Guernsey, 1906, 20 shares, à 5 £
House & Land Investment Trust Ltd., London, 1875, Share, à 10 £
Hudson Trustees Ltd., 1914, First Mortgage Debenture Stock, 60 £
Hull and Selby Railway Co., 1845, Half Share, 25 £
Hull Botanic Garden Co., 1870, 1 share, à 2 £
Hull Botanic Garden Co., 1881, Share, 5 £
Hull Flax & Cotton Mill Co., Hull, 1846, Share, 50 £
Hull Steam Fishing & Ice Co., 1922, pref. shares, à 4 £
Humber Union Steam Co., Kingston-upon-Hull, 1837, Share, o.N.
Iberian Steam Ship Co., 1904, shares, à 10 £
Ice-Rinks Ltd., London, 1930, Shares, 50 x 5 Sch
Imperial Brazilian Mining Association, London, 1847, shares
Imperial British East Africa Co., London, 1889, 250 shares, à 20 £
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 1937, Pref. Stock, 133 £
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Ordinary Stock, 1 £ (Muster)
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 1961, Certificate of stock, 5 £
Imperial Mercantile Credit Association, 1864, 5 shares, à 50 £
Imperial Russian Cotton & Jute Factory, London, 1894, 5 shares, à 5 £
Imperial Russian Cotton & Jute Factory, London, 1889, 5 shares, à 5 £
Imperial Russian Cotton & Jute Factory, London, 1888, 10 shares, à 5 £
Imperial Russian Cotton & Jute Factory, London, 1892, 10 shares, à 5 £
Imperial Russian Cotton & Jute Factory, London, 1902, 10 shares, à 5 £
Imperial Russian Cotton & Jute Factory, London, 1899, 5 % Debenture, 100 £
Imperial Three per Cent Annuities (Kaiserliche dreiprozentige Rente), London, 1810, Interest or Share, 13, 12 £
Incorporated Radio Society of Great Britain, 1937, certificate of membership, (specimen)
India Comp. van England, Amsterdam, 1736, Optionsschein, für 1 Aktie à 500 £ Sterling
India Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., Glasgow, 1929, pref. shares, à 1 £
Indian Carrying Co., 1862, 10 shares, à 2 £
Industrial Coal & Iron Co. Ltd., London, 1873, 3, 75 % Debenture, 50 £
Industrial & General Trust Ltd., London, 1953, Stock, 500 £
Intercolonial Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., London, 1861, 5 shares, à 5 £
Intercolonial Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., London, 1859, 5 shares, à 5 £
Intercontinental Railway, London/Paris, 1905, 10 shares, à 1 £
International Artificial Silk Co., London, 1928, shares, à 5 sh
International Bank of Hamburg and London Ltd., London, 1872, shares, à 10 £
International Land Credit Co., London, 1864, Share, 20 £
International Russian Oilfields Ltd., London, 1913, shares, à 5 sh
International Sponge Importers, 1904, pref. share, à 1 £
International Sugar and Alcohol Co., Ltd., 1924, Share, 3.000 x 1 £
Inventors’ Assistance Co., 1859, Share, 1 £
Inveresk Paper Co., 1939, 6 % pref. stock, 15 £
Ipswich Reform Club Co., 1878, Share, 1 £
Irrawaddy Flotilla Co., Glasgow, 1945, Stock certificate, 1.000 £
Ivory Coast Goldfields Ltd., London, 1902, 5 shares, à 1 £
J. Rolls & Sons, London, 1886, shares, à 5 £
Jaguar Cars, Coventry, 1972, shares, à 5 shilling
Jaguar plc, 1986, 1 Share
Jamaica Cotton Company, 1861, Share, 10 £
Jamaica Trading Co., 1883, share, 10 £
Jersey Company Ltd., Inchbrook, 1891, 10 shares, à 1 £
John Abbot & Co. Ltd., 1864, Share, 100 £
John Bull Investment Trust and Agency Ltd., London, 1907, shares, à 1 £
John Freeman Copper Company, 1769, Share, 1/36 Anteil = 1000 £
John Freeman, Sons & Co., 1899, 200 shares, à 1 £
John Holt & Co., Liverpool Ltd., Liverpool, 1950, pref. shares, à 1 £
John Mackintosh & Sons Ltd., London, 1951, Pref. stock certificate, 200 £
John Morgan & Son (Aberdare) Ltd., 1920, Debenture, 50 £
John Shannon & Son Ltd., 1908, pref. shares, à 1 £
Joint Stock Contract Association, London, 1875, 20 shares, à 5 £
Joseph Delany, Blanchardstown Mills, Ltd., Blanchardstown, 1909, 4, 5 % Debenture, 1.000 £
Joshua Buckton & Co., Leeds, 1919, shares, à 1 £
Karrier Motors Ltd., 1930, shares, à 10 sh
Kaye Steam Navigation Co., London, 1926, shares, à 1 £
Kemsley Newspapers Ltd., 1951, 3 % Debenture Stock, 125 £
Kendal Union Gas & Water Co., 1871, Share, 10 £
Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation, 1808, Share
Kent Collieries Corp., 1900, 50 shares, à 1 £
Kent Fire Insurance Office, Maidstone (Kent), 1802, 1 share, 50 £ stg.
Kent Fruits Ltd., 1921, pref. shares, à 1 £
Kent Life and Annuity Assurance, Maidstone (Kent), 1808, 1 share, 50 £ stg.
Kerr, Stuart & Co., 1925, shares, à 1 £
Kineton Gas Light, Coal & Coke Co., Kineton, 1863, Share, 2 £
King Solomon’s Gold Mines, Ltd., London / Coolgardie, 1895, share, à 1 L

Kingdom of Great Britain, London, 1798, Voluntary Contribution for the Defence of the Country, 6 £
Kirk Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Klondike Champs d’Or Syndicate, 1900, shares, à 1 £
Klondyke Consolidated Gold Fields Ltd., London, 1903, 5 shares, à 1 £
Königreich England, 1689, Staatsanleihe (Ewige Rente), 9 sh 6 p
Konongo Gold Mines Ltd., London, 1956, shares, à 1 sh
Kronthal Waters, Ltd., Kronberg / London, 1902, 5, 5 % Debenture, 100 £ stg.
Kuskie (Nigeria) Tin Fields, London, 1919, shares, à 5 sh
La Plata Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., 1914, 6% pref. shares, à 1 £
La Plata Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., 1910, shares, à 1 £
La Platense Flotilla Co., Glasgow, 1886, Share, 10 £
Lambert’s Collieries Ltd., 1895, shares, à 5 £
Lamport and Holt Ltd., 1913, 6 % pref. shares, à 1 £
Lamport and Holt Ltd., 1917, 6 % pref. shares, à 1 £
Lamport and Holt Ltd., 1924, 6 % pref. shares, à 1 £
Lancashire Steel Corp. Ltd., 1937, Shares, 331 x 1 £
Lancashire Watch Co., Prescot, 1897, pref. shares, à 10 £
Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Co. (West Riding Union Stock), Manchester, 1854, shares, 3 £
Lancaster West Gold Mining Co., London, 1913, 25 shares, à 1 £
Land Mortgage Bank of India (Crédit Foncier Indien), London, 1864, Transfer Certificat, 65 Shares
Lands Allotment Co., London, 1873, Share, 10 £
Lands Allotment Co., London, 1891, shares, à 10 £
Lane End Works Ltd., 1888, shares, à 5 £
Law Fire Insurance Society, London, 1899, Versicherungs-Police, 200 £
Le Grand Globe Céleste de Paris, London, 1899, 5 Priority Shares, à 1 £
Leeds & Thirsk Railway Co., 1848, Share, o.N.
Leek Division Conservative Club Co., 1887, shares, à 1 £
Leek & Moorlands Permanent Benefit Building Society, 1868, 3 shares, à 10 £
Legal & General Life Assurance Society, 1860, Certificat of Transfer, 50 Shares
Leicester and Birmingham Railway, 1845, Scrip, 5 Shares à 20 £
Lena Goldfields, Ltd., 1910, 25 shares, à 1 £ stg.
Lena Goldfields, Ltd., 1909, 5 shares, à 1 £ stg.
Lever Brothers Ltd., 1924, pref. share, à 1 £
Lever Brothers & Unilever Ltd., 1946, Pref. Stock, 40 £
Leyland Motors, Ltd., 1944, 225 shares, à 1 £
Leyland Motors, Ltd., 1950, shares, à 1 £
Liberator Permanent Building & Investment Society, London, 1892, shares, à 30 £
Liberator Permanent Building & Investment Society, London, 1889, 4 % Loan, 20 £
Library Company, 1862, 5 shares, à 1 £
Liebig’s Extract of Meat Co., London, 1968, Stock, 187 £ 10 sh
Lincoln Odd Fellow’s Hall Co., London, 1877, debenture, 3.400 £
Lipton, Ltd., London, 1912, 15 shares, à 1 £
Lipton, Ltd., London, 1949, prefr. shares, à 1 £
Lisbon Electric Tramways, London, 1905, 25 shares, à 1 £
Lisbon Electric Tramways, London, 1905, 10 shares, à 1 £
Lisbon Steam Tramways, London, 1873, 8 % Debenture, 100 £
Lisbon-Berlyn Ltd., 1902, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Lisbon-Berlyn Quicksilver Exploration Co., London, 1904, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Live Fish Transport Co., Paris, 1909, pref. shares, à 1 £
Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 1829, share, 25 £
Liverpool Colquitt Street Tontine, Liverpool, 1808, Share, o.N.
Liverpool Corn Exchange, Liverpool, 1860, 1 Share
Liverpool Corn Exchange, Liverpool, 1860, New Share, à 100 £
Liverpool Corn Trade Ass., Ltd., Liverpool, 1897, 3, 75% Debenture, 100 £
Liverpool Exchange Co., 1935, Shares, 50 x 1 £
Liverpool Football Club & Athletic Grounds Public Ltd., 1981, 2 shares, à 5 £
Liverpool General Brokers Ass. Ltd., 1911, Share, 1 x 10 £
Liverpool & Great Western Steamship Co & Ltd., London, 1889, Shares, 100 x 40 £
Liverpool, Manchester and Newcastle upon Tyne Junction Railway, 1846, Share, 20 £
Liverpool Marine Credit Co. Ltd., 1865, 1 share, à 20 £
Liverpool Overhead Railway, Liverpool, 1895, 10 shares, à 10 £
Liverpool Overhead Railway, Liverpool, 1898, 10 shares, à 10 £
Liverpool Overhead Railway, Liverpool, 1920, 14 pref. shares, à 10 £
Liverpool Sewage Utilization Co., Liverpool, 1868, 1 Share, à 10 £
Liverton Ironstone Co., 1869, shares, à 50 £
Llangollen Lime & Fluxing Stone Co., Llangollen, 1881, Share, 10 £
Llay Hall Coal, Iron & Firebrick Co., London, 1874, 5 shares, à 10 £
Llewellyn Shipping Co., London, 1919, shares, à 1 £
Llewellyn Shipping Co., London, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Loan & Finance Corp., 1889, Founders share, 1 £
Lombard Steam Ship Co., London, 1908, shares, à 100 £
London and Manchester Equitable Loan Co., London, 1825, 5 shares, à 1 £
London Bridge Railways Terminus Hotel Co., London, 1860, 1 share, à 5 L
London & Brighton Railway Co., London, 1842, 5 % Loan Note, 50 £
London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, 1846, Scrip, 1/100 von 1/8 Share à 6 £ 5 sh
London Chamber of Commerce Building Co., London, 1902, shares, à 10 £
London Chatham & Dover Railway Co., 1864, Pref. Share B., 10 £
London City & Midland Bank, London, 1909, shares, à 60 £
London Country Club Ltd., London, 1923, pref. shares Lit. A, à 1 £
London & Cripple Creek Reduction Corp., London, 1896, shares, à 1 £
London Drapery Stores Ltd., London, 1895, pref. shares, à 1 £
London Electric Omnibus Co., London, 1896, shares, à 1 £
London Electrical Cab Co., London, 1897, 20 shares, à 1 £
London Financial Association Ltd., London, 1863, Share, 50 £
London & General Bank Ltd., London, 1892, shares, à 5 £
London & Globe Telephone & Maintenance Co., London, 1884, shares, à 1 £
London & Globe Telephone & Maintenance Co., London, 1897, 20 shares, à 1 £
London & Gravesend Railway, London, 1835, 15 shares, à 20 £
London Joint Stock Bank, London, 1845, shares, à 50 £
London Monetary Advance & Life Assurance Co., London, 1855, 1 share, à 5 £
London & Montrose Investment Trust Ltd., 1965, shares, à 5 Schillings
London Mortgage & Guarantee Society, London, 1865, 1 share, à 50 £
London Necropolis and National Mausoleum Co., London, 1917, Certifikat, 37, 60 £
London & New Zealand Exploration Co., Ltd., London, 1896, Share, 1 x 1 £
London & North Eastern Railway Co., London, 1933, 3 % Debenture Stock, 500 £
London Oil Trust, London, 1902, shares, à 1 £
London Power Omnibus Co., London, 1906, Shares, à 1 £
London & Provincial Coffee Palace Co., London, 1880, shares, à 1 £
London & Provincial Horse & Carriage Insurance Co. Ltd., London, 1877, shares, à 5 £
London & South Coast Motor Service Ltd., London, 1907, shares, à 5 £
London Steam Boat Co., London, 1879, shares, à 5 £
London Steam Omnibus Co., 1899, founders shares, à 10 £
London Steam Omnibus Co., 1899, 40 shares, à 10 £
London Venture Corporation, London, 1910, shares, à 4 sh
London & Westminster Bank Ltd., London, 1900, shares, à 100 £
London & Westminster Bank Ltd., London, 1869, shares, à 100 £
London & Westminster Bank Ltd., London, 1845, shares, à 100 £
Longfield Cotton Spinning Co., 1878, Share, 50 £
Longton Coffee Tavern Co., 1882, Share, 1 £
Lonsdale Vale Iron Co., 1867, 8 % Debenture Bond, 50 £
Loom Improvement Co., Manchester, 1868, Share, 10 £
Loyal Line Ltd., Cardiff, 1919, shares, à 1 £
Luen Tsui Investment Co., Hong Kong, 1932, Sammelaktie, 20 x 500 Yuan
Lyceum Theatre, Ltd., Shares, 50 x 1 £
M.A. Wetherell Limited, London, 1929, 10 % Mortgage Debenture, 100 £M & H. Klonaridis, Ltd., London/Athen, 1911, 20 shares, à 1 £
Macclesfield Brewery and Wine Co., 1867, share Lit. A, o.N.
Macclesfield Brewery and Wine Co., 1867, share Lit. B, o.N.
Macclesfield Super Cinema Ltd., Macclesfield, 1921, shares, à 1 £
Mackenzie & Mackenzie Limited, 1898, 10 pref. shares, à 10 £
Madame Tussaud’s Ltd., London, 1933, 5 % First Mortgage Debenture Stock, 100 £
Madras Railway Co., 1852, share, 20 £
Madras Railway Co., 1853, Extension share, 20 £
Maikop Standard Oil Fields Ltd., London, 1910, shares, à 5 sh
Maikop-Taman Oil Co., London, 1914, 10 shares, à 1 £
Maindy Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1916, shares, à 1 £
Maindy Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Manchester Carriage Co., Manchester, 1879, Share Lit. C., 10 £
Manchester Carriage Co., Manchester, 1877, Share Lit. B., 10 £
Manchester Courier Ltd., Manchester, 1905, Pref. Shares, 125 x 1 £
Manchester Diocesan Church House Company, Manchester, 1911, 15 ordinary, shares

Manchester Exchange, Manchester, 1843, 1 share
Manchester Fire and Life Assurance Company, Manchester, 1824, 10 shares, à 100 £
Manchester Race Course Association, 1848, Share, 30 £
Manchester & Salford Loan, Discount & Deposit Co., Manchester, 1874, Share, 5 £
Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway, 1849, 5 % Mortgage, 1.600 £
Manchester Ship Canal Co., share, à 10 £ (nullgeziffert)
Manchester Ship Canal Co., 1959, 5, 75 % debenture stock
Manchester Ship Canal Co., 1962, pref. shares, à 1 £ (Specimen)
Manchester Ship Canal Co., 1922, shares, à 10 £
Manchester Ship Canal Co., 1904, shares, à 1 £
Manchester Ship Canal Warehousing Co. Ltd., 1932, 3, 5 % Debenture Stock, 100 £
Manchester Ship Canal Warehousing Co. Ltd., 1948, 3, 5 % Debenture Stock, 570 £
Manchester United PLC, Manchester, 2000, share, à 10 p
Manchester United PLC, Manchester, 2013, share, 0, 0005 $
Mannesmann Trading Company Ltd., London, 1939, shares, à 1 L
Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd., 1888, Shares, à 10 £
Mannesmann Tube Company Ltd., 1888, 6 % Debenture, 500 £
Margate Isle of Thanet Bank, Margate, 1798, Scheck, 25 £
Maria Anna & Steinbank Coal & Coke Co., 1857, 1 share, à 10 £
Marine and General Acoustic Co. Ltd., London, 1934, Shares, x x 1 £
Market Street Gas Co., 1863, 10 shares, à 1 £
Marlborough Steamship Co., Cardiff, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Martins Ltd., 1919, 25 pref. shares, à 1 £
Maryport and Carlisle Railway, Maryport, 1915, Receipt, 1.14.1 £
Maudslay, Sons & Field Ltd., 1889, Mortgage Debenture Stock, 10.000 £
Maxim’s Limited, London, 1909, Share, 1 £
Maxim-Weston Electric Co., London, 1886, 100 shares, à 5 sh
May Morn Estates (New Zealand) Ltd., London, 1912, deferred shares, à 1 sh
May Morn Estates (New Zealand) Ltd., London, 1912, 5, 5 % first mortgage debenture stock, 500 £
May Morn Estates (New Zealand) Ltd., London, 1912, shares, à 1 £
Maypole Dairy Co., 1912, pref. shares, à 5 sch
Maypole Dairy Co., Ltd., 1946, pref. shares, à 5 S
Mediterranean Electric Telegraph, London, 1853, Share, 10 £ = 250 F
Medway Lower Navigation, 1805, 3 shares, à 100 £
Melkedalen Ltd., London, 1906, 10 shares, à 10 sh
Mercedes Company, Ltd., London, 1904, 5 Shares, à 1 £
Merchants Tea Co. Ltd., 1873, 1 share, à 10 £
Mersey Docks & Harbour Board, 1935, 3, 25 % debenture stock, 200 £
Mersey Loan & Discount Co., 1870, 1 Share, 5 £
Meteor Motors, Ltd., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Metropolitan Auto-Cab Co., London, 1909, 20 deferred shares, à 1 s
Metropolitan Railway-Carriage & Wagon Co., Birmingham, 1864, share, 10 £
Metropolitan Saloon Omnibus Co., London, 1857, 1 share, à 1 £
Middleton & Tonge Cotton Mill Co. Ltd., 1875, share, 5 £
Middleton & Tonge Cotton Mill Co. Ltd., 1873, share, 10 £
Midland Bank Ltd., 1956, Shares, 40 x 2, 10 £
Midland Counties Aerated Bread Co., 1889, shares, à 1 £
Midland Counties Proprietary School Co., 1864, 5 shares, à 5 £
Midland Railway Co., London, 1915, Deffered conv. stock, 200 £
Milford Haven Fish Curing Co., 1907, 42 shares, à 1 £
Milford Steam Trawling Co., 1949, Stock, 50 £
Millwall Iron Works, Ship Building & Graving Docks Co., 1864, Share, 50 £
Milton Hall Co., 1878, 10 shares, à 10 £
Minas Geraes Mining Co., London, 1836, 5 shares, à 20 £
Minera Ragman Mining Co. Ltd., 1863, 1 share, à 5 £
Minerva (Roumania) Oil Co., London, 1923, shares, à 1 £
Mining, Ranching, Cotton and Tobacco Lands of Rhodesia, London, 1931, shares, à 5 sh
Monkland Iron & Coal Co., Glasgow, 1880, pref. shares, à 10 £
Monmouthshire Railway & Canal Co., 1852, Transferzertifikat über 4 pref. shares
Monmouthshire Railway & Canal Co., 1859, Transferzertifikat über 4 shares, à 100 £
Mons Cupri (Whim Well), London, 1918, Shares, 10 x 1 £
Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., 4 3/4 % prefence stock, (Blankette)
Mont Cenis Railway, 1866, 5 shares, à 20 £
Mont-de-Piété of England Ltd., London, 1889, 5 % Obligation, 5 £ stg. = 100 Fcs.
Montevideo Telephone Co. Ltd., London, 1912, pref. shares, à 1 £
Montrose Fishing Co., Montrose, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Montrose Fishing Co. (in Liquidation), Montrose, 1922, shares, à 1 £
Morecambe Theatre Company Ltd., Morecambe, 60 ordinary, shares
Morecambe Winter Gardens Co., 1897, pref. shares, à 10 £
Morecambe Winter Gardens Co., 1897, shares, à 1 £
Morgan Grenfell & Co., London, 1968, shares, à 1 £
Mortgage Insurance Cop., London, 1890, shares, à 10 £
Moscow Narodny Bank Ltd., Moskau, 1974, Ordinary Shares, à 1 L
Moss Side Liberal Club Building Co. Ltd., 1877, Share, 1 £
Mossley Spinning & Manufacturing Co., Manchester, 1875, shares, à 5 £
Motor Manufacturing, 1901, Shares, 12 x 1 £
Motor Owners‘ Petrol Combine Ltd., London, 1913, 6% Bond, 20 £
Motor Petrol Association, Ltd., London, 1913, Shares, 5 x 20 £
Mount Austin (Johore) Rubber Estates LTD., London, 1931, Shares, x x 10 Sh.
Mozambique Portland Cement Co., Ltd., London, 1923, 8% Bond, 25 £
Mudies Select Library Ltd., 1864, 1 share, à 20 £
National Agricultural Hall Co., London, 1887, 50 shares, à 10 £
National and Grindlays Bank, London, 1960, Share, 1 £
National Bond & Mortgage Association Ltd., Warrington, 1904, Bond, 100 £
National Cycle and Motor-Car Insurance Co., London, Shares, 22 x 1 £
National Exchange Company, Glasgow, 1845, shares, à 10 £
National Flying Services Ltd., London Air Park, Feltham, 1931, 500 shares, à 2 s
National Guaranteed Manure Co. Ltd., London, 1858, 20 shares, à 1 £
National Motor Cab Company, Ltd., London, 1910, 5 pref. shares, à 1 £
National Motor Cab Company, Ltd., London, 1909, 25 shares, à 1 £
National Motor Cab Company, Ltd., London, 1911, 25 pref. shares, à 1 £
National Patent Salt Co., 1838, shares, à 20 £
National Provincial Bank, London, 1959, Share, 1 £
National Rail & Tramway Appliances Co., 1914, 4, 5 % Debenture, 250 £
National Skating Palace Ltd., London, 1895, shares, à 1 £
National Steamship Co., Liverpool, 1874, Share, 10 £
Native Guano Co., London, 1872, Share, 5 £
Naval Construction & Equipment Co., 1915, inventor’s shares, à 1 sh
Navan & Kingscourt Railway Co., 1871, Share, 10 £
Navarino Recovery, Ltd., London, 1928, shares, à 2 sh
Neath Constitutional Building Co., Neath, 1893, shares, à 1 £
Neath Constitutional Club Building Co., Neath, 1892, shares, à 1 £
Nerchinsk Gold Co., St.-Petersburg, 1907, shares, à 1 £
Neville Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1924, shares, à 5 sh
New Bensberg Mining Company Ltd., London / Bensberg, 1877, 12 B shares, à 5 L
New Brewery Co. Carlisle Ltd., Carlisle, 1879, share, à 7 £
(New) Centaur Cycle Company Ltd., West Orchard, Coventry, 1906, ordinary shares, à 10 s
New Chile Gold Mining Co., London, 1885, 1 share, à 1 £ = 25 F
New Chuquitambo Gold Mines Ltd., La Quinua / London, 1925, 7, 5 % Debenture, 10 £ stg.
New Emeralds Co., London, 1898, Share Warrant, 5 x 1 £
New Era National Pictures Ltd., 1928, 200 shares, à 1 £
New Gaiety Restaurants & Hotel Co., 1903, 1430 pref. shares, à 1 £
New Granada Active Stock of 1861, London, 1861, Bond, 39.13.5 £
New Granada Waste Land, London, 1861, Land Certificate, 160 Hectares
New Granada Waste Land, London, 1861, Land Certificate, 80 Hectares
New Granada Waste Land, London, 1861, Land Certificate, 600 Hectares
New Kempinkote Gold Fields Ltd., London, 1905, shares, à 5 sh
New Lisbon-Berlyn Ltd., 1918, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
New Oriental Bank Corp., Yokohama, 1887, Silver share (Eastern Issue), 50 $
New Oriental Bank Corp., Kalkutta, 1888, Silver share (Eastern Issue), 10 £ = 100 Rupien
New Rip Gold Mining, London, 1903, Shares, 5 x 1 £
New River Company, London, 1895, 4 % Certificate Debenture Stock, 555 £
New South-Sea Annuities, London, 1796, Annuities, 5 Schilling
New Three and One Half per Cent Annuities (Englischer Staat), 1843, 3, 5 % Anleihe, £ 300
New Westminster Brewery Co., Ltd., Westminster, 1885, 30 shares
New Zealand Consolidated Gold Mines, London, 1904, 5 shares, à 1 £
New Zealand & Federal Co. Ltd., London, 1912, shares, à 1 £
New Zealand & Federal Co. Ltd., London, 1912, management shares, à 1 £
New Zealand Midland Railway Co., London, 1889, 5 % Debenture, 1.000 £
New Zealand Midland Railway Co., London, 1895, 5 % Debenture, 50 £
New Zealand Midland Railway Co., London, 1895, 5 % Debenture, 100 £
New Zealand Midland Railway Co., London, 1895, 5 % first mortgage debenture, 12.10 £
New Zealand Midland Railway Co., London, 1889, 5 % first mortgage debenture, 100 £
New Zealand Midland Railway Co., London, 1895, 5 % Debenture, 1000 £
New Zealand & River Plate Land Mortgage Co., London, 1919, Shares, à 1 £
New Zealand & River Plate Land Mortgage Co., London, 1957, Shares, à 1 £
Newcastle United plc., 2000, 1 share, à 5p
Newcastle-under-Lyme Gas Light Co., 1821, Share, 25 £
Newhaven & Seaford Water Co., 1882, Share, 10 £
Newry Navigation Co., 1834, 1 share, à 50 £
Niagara in Paris Ltd., London, 1900, Shares, 5 x 1 £ stg.
Nidderdale Lead Mining Co., 1866, pref. shares, à 1 £
Nigeria Bitumen Corporation, London, 1912, shares, à 1 £
Nile Valley Gold Mining Co. Ltd., London, 1912, Shares, 50 x 1 £
Nineteenth Century Building Society Inc., 1929, pref. shares, à 10 £
Nixon’s Navigation Co., 1923, shares, à 10 £
Nixon’s Navigation Co., London, 1908, 4 % Debenture, 1.800 £
Norfolk Estuary Co., 1847, 1 share, à 50 £
Normal Powder & Ammunition Co., London, 1898, 1 deferred share, à 1 £
Normal Powder & Ammunition Co., London, 1898, 1 ordinary share, à 1 £
North Alabama Development Co., Ltd., London / Birmingham, Alabama, 1891, 6 % Debenture, 100 £ stg.
North British Diesel Engine Works Ltd., 1919, Shares, 528 x 1 £
North British Fishing Boat Insurance Co., Peterhead, 1910, shares, à 1 £
North British Fishing Boat Insurance Co., Peterhead, 1901, shares, à 10 sh
North British Locomotive Co., Glasgow, 1961, Ordinary Stock, 475 £
North British Locomotive Co., Glasgow, 1952, Pref. Stock, 1450 £
North British Locomotive Co., Glasgow, 1959, 5% cum. pref. stock, 25 £
North Caucasian Oil Fields, London, 1926, 40 shares, à 10 sh
North Central Wagon Co., Rotherham, 1864, Share, 20 £
North Hackney Tradesmen’s Plate Glass and General Insurance Co., 1903, shares, 10 x 1 £
North London Tramways Co., London, 1885, 10 shares, à 10 £
North of England Railway Carriage and Iron Company Ltd., Preston, 1864, shares, à 20 £
North of Scotland Steam Packet Co., 1856, pref. share, à 10 £
North Stafford Conservative Newspaper Co., 1888, 5 shares, à 1 £
North Walsham & Dilham Canal Navigation, 1812, 1 Share, à 50 £
North Walsham & Dilham Canal Navigation, 1824, Share, 50 £
Northern Conservatoire of Music Ltd., 1925, pref. shares, à 1 £
Northern Counties Union Railway Co., 1846, Share, o.N.
Northern Investment & Discount Co. Ltd., Liverpool, 1866, 1 share, 10 £
Northern Maritime Insurance Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1893, shares, à 5 £
Northern Maritime Insurance Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1865, shares, à 5 £
Northern Newspaper Co., Aberdeen, 1892, 20 shares, à 1 £
Northumberland Shipbuilding Co., 1920, shares, à 1 Sh
Northumberland Shipbuilding Co., 1919, 6 % Debenture, 100 £
Northumberland Shipbuilding Co., 1918, pref. shares, à 1 £
Norton Iron Co., Norton, 1865, Share, 100 £
Oakham Collieries Co. Ltd., 1878, Debenture A, 10 £
Oakwood Cotton Spinning Co., Romiley, 1875, Share, 120 £
Obernhof Mining Company John Brown & Co., London, 1853, 5 shares, à 1 £ = 25 Francs
Oertz International Streamline Rudder Co., London, 1932, 5 % funding certificate, à £
Ogston Motor Co. (1918) Ltd., London, 1919, pref. shares, à 1 £
Ogston Motor Co. (1918) Ltd., London, 1920, shares, à 10 sh
Old Bushmills Distillery Company Ltd., Gentilly, 1892, 5 % Debenture, 10 L
Oliver Typewriter Manufacturing Co. Ltd., 1951, Shares, à 2 S
Olympic Music Hall, Ltd., London, Shares, 50 x 1 £
Opera House (Macclesfield) Ltd., 1923, 6% Debenture, 100 £
Orchorsol Sound Reproduction Ltd., London, 1931, Shares, 120 x 1 Sch
Oriental Bank Corp., 1854, share, à 25 £
Oriental Bank Corp., 1865, Share, 25 £
Oriental Hotels Co., 1863, 1 share, à 10 £
Oriental Inland Steam Company Ltd., 1858, 1 share, à 10 £ stg.
Oriental Pearl Fisheries & Trading Co., London, 1906, 5 shares, à 1 £ = 25 F
Original Helford Oysterage and Fishing Co., 1914, 300 shares, à 1 £
Orsk Goldfields Ltd., London, 1923, shares, à 1 £Otis Steel Co. Ltd., 1896, 5% Debenture, 10.000 £
Ottoman Line Ltd., 1929, pref. share, à 10 £
Ottoman Line Ltd., 1929, share, à 10 £
Overend, Gurney and Company, Ltd., London, 1865, 1 share, 50 £
Paisley, Barrhead & Hurlet Railway, Paisley, 1846, 5 shares, à 2.12.6 £
Palace Theatre & Hippodrome, (Warrington), Ltd, 1907, Pref. Shares, 25 x 1 £
Palace Theatre & Varieties Co. (Haslingden), 1918, shares, à 1 £
Palmers Shipbuilding & Iron Co., 1927, 6, 5 % Stock, 100 £
Palmers Shipbuilding & Iron Co., 1930, Certificate, 52 £
Palmers Shipbuilding & Iron Co., 1927, shares, à 5 Schilling
Panama, New Zealand & Australian Royal Mail Co., 1864, shares, à 5 £
Pandora Theatre Ltd., 1882, 1 share, à 20 £
Para (Marajo) Islands Rubber Estates Ltd., 1910, 20 shares, à 5 s.
Paragon Steamship Co., 1923, shares, à 1 £
Paris Gigantic Wheel and Varieties Company, Ltd., London, 1919, 5 shares, à 1 £
Paris Gigantic Wheel and Varieties Company, Ltd., London, 1898, 10 shares, à 1 £
Paris Gigantic Wheel and Varieties Company, Ltd., London, 1898, 5 shares, à 1 £
Paris Gigantic Wheel and Varieties Company, Ltd., London, 1898, 25 shares, à 1 £
Paris Hippodrome Skating Rink Co., 1909, 5 shares, à 1 £
Paris Hippodrome Skating Rink Co., 1909, 10 shares, à 1 £
Paris Hippodrome Skating Rink Co., 1909, 1 share, à 1 £
Paris Ocean Ltd., London, 1891, Share, 5 £
Parsons’ Foreign Patents Company Ltd., London, 1899, 10 shares, à 1 £
Pass & Joyce (1929) Ltd., 1930, shares, à 5 p
Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., London, 1905, 25 Shansi Shares, à 1 £
Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., London, 1909, 5 Shansi Shares, à 1 £
Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., London, 1909, 1 Shansi Share, à 1 £
Peña Copper Co., London, 1917, Share, 10 x 1 £
Peña Copper Co., London, 1905, Share, 25 x 1 £
Peninsular Company Limited, 1864, Share, 1.000 £
Peninsular Company Limited, 1867, pref. share, 100 £
Peninsular Company Limited, 1864, deferred share, 1.000 £
Peninsular Copper Co., London, 1882, 7 % Mortgage Debenture, 100 £
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co., London, 1963, Deferred Stock, £
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co., 1987, Subscription Warrant, of 15 £ Deferred Stock
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co., London, 1847, Share, 50 £
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co., London, 1881, Certificate of Transfer, für … shares à 50 £
Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co., London, 1865, Certificate of Transfer, für … shares à 50 £
Pennant Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Pennsylvania Railroad (1903 Stock Allotment Receipt), London, 1904, 38 shares, à 60 $
People’s Trust Company, London, 1914, Debenture, 50 £
Perran Consolidated Tin, Copper, Lead & Silver Mining Co., London, 1835, 5 shares, à 5 £
Peruvian Pacific Railway Ltd., 1907, 6 % debenture, 100 £
Peter Hansen & Co., Newcastle upon Tyne, Frachtbrief und Charterbrief
Philip Morris & Co., Ltd., 1918, 122 shares, à 1 £ stg.
Phoenix Assurance Co., London, 1899, Policy of Insurance
Phoenix Prince Gold Mining Co., London, 1936, shares, à 5 sh
Piccadilly Theatre (1928) Ltd., London, 1929, shares, à 5 sh
Pirelli – General Cable Works, London, 1920, Share, 100 £
Plymouth Harbour Board, London, 1893, 6 & Debenture, 250 £
Policiori Oilfields of Roumania, 1913, shares, à 5 s
Poor Law & Local Government Officers’ Mutual Guarantee Association, 1901, shares, à 5 £
Port Arthur Lands Ltd., Liverpool, 1911, shares, à 1 £
Port Royal & St. Andrew’s Copper Mining Co. of Jamaica, 1853, 1 share, à 5 S
Portadown Young Men’s Institute Ltd., Portadown, 1909, shares, à 1 £
Portfield Steamship Co., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Portfield Steamship Co., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Portsmouth Steamship Co., 1925, shares, à 1 £
Positive Government Security Life Assurance Co., London, 1872, … shares, à 1 £
Postal Telegraph and Cable Corp., London, 1928, 5% Debenture, 450 £
Poyais Loan (State of Poyais), London, 1823, Loan, 100 £
Poyaisian Land Certificate, London, 1827, Land Certificate, 30 Acres
Poyaisian Land Grant, London, 1834, Land Grant, 20 Acres
Poyaisian Land Grant, London, 1834, Land Grant, 100 Acres
Poyaisian Land Grant, Edinburgh, 1834, Land Grant, 1.000 Acres
Poyaisian Land Grant, Edinburgh, 1834, Land Grant Class B, 500 Acres
Premier Oil & Finance Co., London, 1924, shares, à 5 sh
Prince’s Racquet & Tennis Club Co., London, 1865, 5 shares, à 10 £
Promoter Assurance Co., London, 1847, shares, à 80 £
Provident Institution for Life Insurance and Annuities, London, 1807, share, 100 £
Provident Institution for Life Insurance and Annuities, London, 1848, Share, 7 x 100 £
Provincial Cinematograph Theatres Ltd., 1915, Pref. Shares, 50 x 1 £
Prudential Assurance Co., London, 1877, shares, à 5 £
Prudential Assurance Co., Ltd., London, 1884-1906, shares, à 5 £
Quakers’ Yard Gas & Water Co., 1880, Share, 10 £
Queen Steam Ship Co., 1874, shares, 100 £
R. Craggs & Sons Ltd., London, 1902, 397 shares, à 1 £
Radiomobile, 1934, shares, à 1 £
Railway & General Light Improvement Co., 1875, shares, à 1 £
Rake Fire-Brick & Tile Co., Littleborough, 1872, Share, 10 £
Rank Organisation, London, 1961, shares A, à 5 sh
Ranson’s Sugar Process, Ltd., Share Warrant, 25 x 1 £
Recenia R. Shaerf Ltd., London, 1929, shares, à 1 Sh
Regent’s Canal & Dock Co., 1911, Debentury Stock, 7.000 £
Regents Canal, 1817, Share
Regents Canal, 1829, 10 shares
Regis Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1922, shares, à 1 £
Renard Road & Rail Transport Corp., London, 1908, Share, 1 £
Republic of Poyais, London, 1830, Land Certificate, 1.000 Acres
Republic of Poyais, London, 1831, 3 % Bond (reduced stock), 500 £
Reversionary Interest Society, 1823, 1 share, à 100 £
Rexer Arms Co., London, 1907, shares, à 1 £
Rhio Steamship Co., 1892, shares, à 50 £
Rhodesian Corp. Ltd., London, 1934, shares, à 5 sh
Rhokana Corp., 1931, 7 % Debenture, 100 £
Rio del Oro Gold Mines Ltd., 1887, 50 pref. shares, à 1 £
River Arun Navigation Co., 1842, 1 share
River Nine or Nen Navigation Joint Stock upon the Western Division, 1762, 4 % Interest or Share, 100 £
River Plate Pressure Meat-Preserving Co., London, 1872, Share, 10 £
River Thames Steam Boat Co., London, 1884, 20 shares, à 15 sh
Robert Stephenson & Co., 1904, Debenture Stock, 5 £
Robert Stephenson & Co., 1907, pref. shares, à £
Robert Stephenson & Co., 1907, shares, à 1 £
Rochdale Canal Co., 1805, shares, o.N.
Rochdale Canal Co., 1801, shares, o.N.
Rolls-Royce Ltd., London, 1971, Ordinary stock, 75 £
Rolls-Royce Ltd., London, 1971, 100 depositary shares, à 1 £
Rolls-Royce plc, London, 2000, 1 share, à 20 Pence
Rolls-Royce plc, London/New York, 2001, share, à 20 Pence
Rolls-Royce plc, London/New York, 2004, share, à 20 Pence
Rose of Sharon & Shamrock Gold Mines (in Liquidation), London, 1911, shares, à 1 £
Rotherham, Masbro’, and Holmes Coal Company, Ltd., Masborough, 1856, 1 share, à 25 £
Rover Co., 1960, shares, à 5 £ (Blankette)
Rowntree & Co. Ltd., York, 1927, 50 pref. shares, à 1 £
Royal Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1942, Capital stock (Transferzertifikat), £
Royal Exchange Assurance, London, 1961, Stock (alt)
Royal Exchange Assurance, London, 1909, Policy of Insurance
Royal Exchange Assurance of Houses and Goods from Los or Damage by Fire, London, 1793, Annual Payment for Assurance, 10 sh
Royal Horticultural Society, London, 1861, 5 % Debenture, 100 £
Royal Italian Opera Covent Garden Ltd., 1882, 50 Shares, à 10 £
Royal London Panorama (Panorama Royal de Londres S.A.), Paris, 1881, Action, 500 F = 20 £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1910, Stock, 300 £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1905, Pref. Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1914, Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1914, Pref. Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1921, Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1925, Pref. Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1921, Pref. Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1926, Pref. Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1925, Stock, £
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, London, 1924, Pref. Stock, 200 £
Royal Panopticon of Science and Art, London, 1851, 1 share
Royal Terrace Pier, Gravesend (Kent), 1845, 5 % Certificate, 100 £
Rudge Whitworth (Foreign) Ltd., 1897, 1 share, 1 £
Rugby, Derby & Manchester Railway, 1845, Share, 20 x 25 £
Rugby, Derby & Manchester Railway, 1845, Share, 5 x 25 £
Rugby, Derby & Manchester Railway, 1845, Share, 10 x 25 £
Russian Collieries Co., London, 1902, Share, 5 x 1 £
Russian Petroleum & Liquid Fuel Co., London, 1906, 6 % Debentute B, 20 £
Russo-Asiatic Consolidated Ltd., 1929, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Rustenburg Platinum Holdings, Johannesburg / Kent, 1976, shares, à 1 £
Rylands Glass & Engineering Co., 1902, pref. shares, à 5 £
Rylands Glass & Engineering Co., 1902, shares, à 1 £ 13 sh 4 p
S.A. des Panoramas de Londres, Brüssel, 1879, Action de jouissance
S.A. du Panorama Royal de Londres (Royal London Panorama), Paris, 1879, Recepisse Provisoire de 10 Actions
S.D.H. Pianos Ltd., London, 1928, Shares, x x 1 Sch
S.S. Kings Lynn Ltd., London, 1902, shares, 1 £
S.T.D. Motors, Ltd., 1933, shares, à 1 sh 6 p
S.T.D. Motors, Ltd., 1933, Preference Stock, 50 £
S.T.D. Motors, Ltd., 1933, 211 Ordinary Shares, à 1s 6d
Saguenay Colonization Company, Ltd., 1904, 120 ordinary shares, à 1 £
Samuda Brothers Ltd., London, 1885, shares, à 10 £
Sanderson, Matthew Shipping Co., Cardiff, 1925, shares, à 1 £
Sandow’s Cocoa & Chocolate Co., 1912, pref. shares, à 1 £
Sapon Soaps Ltd., London, 1920, Shares, x x 4 Sch
Saxon Gold Mines, London, 1903, 50 shares, à 1 £
Schultze Gunpowder Company, London, 1905, 240 deferred shares, 3.6.8 £
Scott Motor Cycle Company, Ltd., Saltaire/Birmingham, 1920, 75 shares, à 1 £
Scottish Africa Ltd., London, 1899, shares, à 1 £
Scottish Sea Fishing & Curing Co. Ltd., 1884, shares, à 1 £
Searle Unburstable Inner Tube Co., 1915, 6 % Debenture, 25 £
Service Petroleum Co., Amsterdam/London, 1928, Aandeel, 5 £
Seven Seas Schooner Ltd., 1935, shares, à 1 £
Severn and Wye Railway and Canal Company, 1814, Share
Severn Steam Co., Gloucester, 1836, Share, 5 £
Shanghai Waterworks Co., 1937, 50 shares A, à 20 £
Shanghai Waterworks Co., 1951, shares C, à 1 £
Shanghai Waterworks Co., 1937, shares C, à 1 £
Sheffield United plc., Huddersfield, 2000, 1 share, à 10p
Shell Transport and Trading Co. p.l.c., London, 1998, shares, 25 p
Shell Transport & Trading Co., Ltd., London, 1937, Stock Warrant, 1 £
Shell Transport & Trading Co., Ltd., London, 1920, Stock Warrant, 20 x 1 £
Sherbro Trading Syndicate, Ltd., 1908, shares, à 1 £
Ship Canal Portland Cement Manufacturers, 1927, share, à 4 sh
Ship Salvage Corporation Ltd., London, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Shrewsbury & Hereford Railway Co., 1846, Share, 20 £
Sidmouth Harbour Company, 1836, 1 share
Silkstone & Dodworth Coal & Iron Co., 1873, Share, 50 £
Sinaia Trust Syndicate Ltd., London, 1915, 1 share, à 25 £
Singer & Co. Ltd., 1936, Stock
Singer & Company, Ltd., 1903, shares, 2 s 6 pence
Singer Cycle Co. Ltd., 1899, shares, à 1 £
Singer Motors Ltd., 1956, pref. shares, à 1 £
Sir James Laing & Sons Ltd., Sunderland, 1899, shares, à 10 £
Sir James Laing & Sons Ltd., Sunderland, 1899, pref. shares, à 10 £
Snowdown Colliery Ltd., 1912, founders’ shares, à 1 sch
Snowdown Colliery Ltd., 1914, pref. shares, à 1 £
Soc. de Construction des Moteurs Reinhard Ltd., London, 1913, Share, 4 £
Soc. Gen. de Banque et de Credit Automobile Ltd., 1902, 5 shares, à 1 £
Solent Sea Steam Packet Company, Lymington, 1841, Share, 25 £
Solmar Soaps Ltd., 1924, Shares, 12 x 1 £
Somersetshire Coal Canal, Lock Fund, 1803, 1 Share (Ticket)
Sonora Silver Mining Co., London, Debenture, 10 £
South Down Metal, Chemical & Brick Co., 1889, Share, 50 £

South Sea Company, 1723, Anteil, 2.000 £
South Sea Company, 1736, Anteil
South Sea Company, London, 1740, Aktie, 2.000 £
South Sea Company, London, 1721, Several Reports of the Committee of Secrecy
South Sea Company, London, 1730, Annuity, 75 £
South Sea Company, 1732, Power of Atorney, 3.000 £
South Sea Company (West India Islands), South Sea House, London, 1838, Exchequer Bill, 96 £
South Staffordshire Tramways Co., 1889, Stock certificate, 10 £
South Wales Smelting & Colliery Co., 1873, Share, o.N.
South West Africa Co., 1899, Shares, à 1 £
South West Africa Co., 1900, Shares, à 1 £
South West Africa Company, 1902, Shares, à 1 £
Southall Ealing & Shepherds Bush Tram Railway Co., London, 1870, 5 shares, à 1 £
Southampton Hard Courts Ltd., Southampton, 1930, shares, à 5 £
Southampton Steam Collier & Coal Co., 1865, Share, 20 £
Southern Club, Dumfries, 1904, shares, à 10 £
Southern Electric Free Wiring Co., 1903, shares, à 1 £
Southsea Picture Playhouse Co., 1928, shares, à 1 £
Southsea Picture Playhouse Co., 1928, pref. shares, à 1 £
Southwark Bridge Co., London, 1818, 1 share
Spassky Copper Mine Ltd., London, 1912, share, à 1 £
Spassky Copper Mine Ltd., London, 1909, shares, à 1 £
Spassky Copper Mine Ltd., London, 1921, Share, 1 £
Spies Petroleum Co., London, 1914, shares, à 10 sh
St. Helens Conservative Club-House Co., Ltd., London, 1893, Shares, 2 x 1 £
St. Louis Breweries Ltd., London E.C., 1891, 5 shares, à 10 £
St. Petersburg Land and Mortgage Company, Ltd, 1912, 5 % debenture, 20 £
Staffordshire Fire Insurance, Hanley, 1871, Share, 10 £
Staffordshire Joint Stock Bank Ltd., Birmingham, 1864, 5 shares, à 25 £
Standard Exploration Co., London, 1900, 20 Shares
Standard Iron & Steel Company, 1876, Share, 10 £
Standard Oil Co. of England, London, 1910, shares, à 2 sh
Standard Petroleum Exploration Co., London, 1914, 5 shares, à 1 £
Star Motor Car Co., 1929, shares, à 4 p
STAR Omnibus Co., London, Ltd., London, 1905, pref. shares, à 5 £
Steamship Armathwaite Co., 1881, shares, à 100 £
Steamship Mangara Co., Glasgow, 1889, shares, à 100 £
Steamship Oxenholme Co., 1881, shares, à 100 £
Stepney Spare Motor Wheel Ltd., 1910, shares, à 1 £
Stevens‘ Patent Bread Machinery Co., 1862, shares, à 2 £
Stockport, Disley & Whaley Bridge Railway, 1856, Debenture Bond, 500 £
Stockton & Darlington Railway, Darlington, 1858, 5 % pref. share, 25 £
Stockton New Theatre Co., 1866, 1 share, à 10 £
Stourbridge & Kidderminster Banking Co., 1835, 5 shares, à 25 £
Stourbridge & Kidderminster Banking Co., 1835, 15 shares, à 25 £
Stowmarket Navigation, 1792, 6 % Schuldv., 100 £
Straker-Squire Ltd., 1926, 8 % Debenture, … £
Straker-Squire Ltd., 1927, shares, à 5 s
Straker-Squire Ltd., 1925, pref. shares, à 5 p
Straker-Squire Ltd., 1921, 10 % Second Mortgage Debenture Stock, £
Strand Bridge, London, 1839, 1 share, o.N.
Strand Bridge, London, 1828, Share transfer, 5 x 100 £
Strand Bridge, London, 1809, 1 share, o.N.
Stratford on Avon Canal Navigation, 1824, Transfer-Zertifikat, 5 shares 275 £
Stratton’s Independence Ltd., London, 1900, shares, à 1 £
Stratton’s Independence Ltd., London, 1908, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Stratton’s Independence Ltd., London, 1908, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Stratton’s Independence Ltd., London, 1909, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Sudan Exploration Limited, London, 1905, shares, à 10 sh
Sunderland Theatres, Ltd., 1896, 5 % Debenture, 100 £
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, Edinghburgh, 1869, Logenpapier
Suresnes Race-Course Co., Suresnes, 1890, Share, 1 £ = 25 F
Swansea Dock Co., 1847, Share, 20 £
Symphony Gramophone & Radio Co., London, 1928, 100 shares, à 5 sh
T. H. Sidebottom & Co. Ltd., Waterside Mills, Hadfield, 1893, 10 shares, à 10 £
T Steamer Coasters Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, 1916, shares, à 1 £
Talley Bond, London, 1707, 5 % Anleihe, 5.000 £
Talley Bond, London, 1715, 6 % Anleihe, 500 £
Talley Bond – Half-Subsidies Anno 1708, London, 1709, 6 % Anleihe, 9 £
Tanganyika Goldfields Ltd., London, 1928, 5 shares, à 5 Schillings
Tatem Steam Navigation Co., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Tattersall’s (Chicago) Ltd., 1893, 100 shares, à 5 £
Tattershall & Coningsby Gas & Coke Co., Kineton, 1860, Share, 10 £
Tchengelek Prioprietary Co., London, 1911, 5 % Mortgage Debenture, 10 £
Tees Side Iron & Engine Works Co., 1890, 145 shares, à 2 £ 15 sh
Telemarken Copper Mining & Smelting Co., 1906, Actie, 5 x 1 £
Tenby, Saundersfoot & South Wales Railway Co., 1847, Share, 20 £
Thames and Severn Canal Navigation, London, 1794, 1 % Mortgage Bond, 500 £
Thames Iron Works Ship Building & Engineering Co., 1899, 4 % Debenture, 100 £
Thames Iron Works Ship Building & Engineering Co., 1910, 5 % Debenture, 100 £
Thames Iron Works Ship Building, Engineering & Dry Dock Co., 1864, Share, 100 £
Thames Navigation Commission, London, 1774, 4, 2 % Bond, 100 £
The Cannon Brewery Co., Ltd., 1949, 4 % Mortgage Debentury Stock, 135 £
The Cannon Brewery Co., Ltd., 1956, Debenture Stock, 440 £
The Cannon Brewery Co., Ltd., 1931, Pref. share, à 10 £
The Carl Rosa Opera Company Ltd., London, 1889, 1200 Ordinary Shares, à 5 L
The Great Ship Company Ltd., London, 1859, Share, 1 £
The Great Ship Company Ltd., London, 1859, Share, 1 £
The Huddersfield Canal Company, Saddleworth, County of York, 1805, 1 share
The Huddersfield Canal Company, Huddersfield, County of York, 1798, Mortgage, 250 £
The Munster Brick & Lime Co., Ltd., 1873, shares, à 10 £
The Nitrate Railway Company, Ltd., London/Tarapaca, 1927, Share, 5 x 10 L
The Stock Exchange, London, 1899, 3 % Debenture, 100 £
The Stock Exchange, London, 1899, 3 % Debenture, 1.000 £
Theatre Metropole Ltd., London, 1897, 4 % Debenture, 100 £ stg.
Theatre Royal Cinema (Manchester) Ltd., Manchester, 1922, 8750 shares, à 1 sh
Theatre Royal Drury Lane, London, 1812, Share
Theatre Royal Drury Lane, London, 1821, Rent Charge, 1 Schilling 3 Pence
Theatre Royal Drury Lane, London, 1890, 4 shares, à 100 £
Thomas De La Rue & Co., London, 1926, Mortgage, 100.000 £
Thornbury Gas-Light & Coke Co., 1856, Share, 10 £
Thornbury Gas-Light & Coke Co., 1865, Stock, 32 £
Tin Areas of Nigeria, London, 1920, shares, à 5 sh
Tivoli, Ltd., 1889, 6% Debenture, 100 £
Tonbridge Public Hall Co., 1876, Share, 5 £
Tottenham Hotspur plc, 1983, Share, 1
Trawlers Grimsby Ltd., 1940, Shares, à 6s.8d.
Trawlers Grimsby Ltd., 1949, Shares, 5 s. 0 D.
Trawlers (White Sea & Grimsby) Ltd., 1920, Shares, à 1 £
Treasure Recovery Ltd., London, 1934, Shares, 50 x 5 Sch
Trent College Co., 1870, 1 share, à 20 £
Trident Line, 1929, shares, à 10 £
Trinidad National Petroleum Co., London, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Triumph Company, 1937, shares, à 2 sh
Trustees & Bankers Securities Co., London, 1890, shares, à 1 £
Tuberao (Brazilian) Coal Mining Co., London, 1885, shares, à 10 £
Turkish etc. Baths & Laundry Co., London, 1865, Share, 3 £
Turner & Newall Ltd., Manchester, 1957, Shares, 50 £
Turner Steam Navigation Co., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Tustanovice Petroleum Ltd., London, 1907, 5 pref. shares, à 1 £
Twenty Well Stone & Brick Co., 1871, share, 10 £
Tyne and Wear Steam Ship Owning Co. Ltd., 1884, 1 share, à 10 £
Underground Electric Railways Co. of London Ltd., London, 1908, 6 % Income Bond, 100 £
Underground Electric Railways Co. of London Ltd., London, 1912, 6 % Income Bond, 50 £
Underground Electric Railways Co. of London Ltd., London, 1905, 5 % Profit Sharing Secured Note, 100 £
Underground Electric Railways Co. of London Ltd., London, 1903, 5 % Profit Sharing Secured Note, 200 £
Underground Electric Railways Co. of London Ltd., London, 1908, 6 % Income Bond, 20 £
Underground Electric Railways Co. of London Ltd., London, 1908, 6 % Income Bond, 200 £
Union Cinemas Subsidiary Properties Ltd., 1937, ordinary shares, à 4s. (specimen)
Union Jack Consolidated Mines Ltd., 1900, shares, à 5 Schilling
Union Marine Insurance Co., Liverpool, 1909, shares, à 20 £
Union Plate Glass Co., Pocket Nook, 1847, 5 shares, o.N.
United Anglo-Continental Ice Co., 1887, 5 deferred shares, à 1 £
United Brothers’ Assurance Co., London, 1888, share, 10 £
United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies (Vereenigde Comp. van Cooplieden van Engeland handelende op de Ooostindies / Englisch-Ostindische Compagnie), London, 1768, Actien-Certificatie, 2.000 £
United Electric Theatres Ltd., 1917, 7% Debenture, 10 £
United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of England, London, 1865, Logenpapier
United Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of England, London, 1913, Logenpapier
United Kingdom £ 3:10 s. % War Loan, London, 1962, 7 % Bond, 500 £
United Kingdom 8 % Treasury Loan 2002-2006, London, 1972, 8 % Bond, 1.000 £
United Kingdom 9, 5 % Treasury Loan 1999, London, 1973, 9, 5 % Bond, 1.000 £
Universal Gas Methane and Buisson Hella Co., London, 1908, Pref. shares, 5 x 1 £
University Life Assurance Society, London, 1825, Share, o.N.
University of London, London, 1837, 1 share
Upper Burma Oil Co., London, 1925, pref. shares, à 5 sh
Valencia and Liria Railway, London, 1875, 1 share, 10 £
Vauxhall Bridge Co., 1826, 1 share
Venice & Murano Glass Co., Ltd., 1889, 1 share, à 100 £
Venture Corporation, London, 1907, shares, à 1 £
Venus Steam Shipping Co., Ltd., Newcastle, Pref. Shares, 200 x 10 £
Vernco Steamship Co., London, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Vestfold Whaling Company Ltd., London / Paris, 1937, 100 shares (specimen), à 1 £ stg.
Vestfold Whaling Company Ltd., London / Paris, 1929, 6, 5 % Cumulative Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares, à 1 £ stg.
Vestfold Whaling Company Ltd., London / Paris, 1937, 1 share, à 1 £ stg.
Vickers Ltd., 1913, Share, 1 £
Victoria Gramophones Ltd., 1929, shares, à 1 sh
Victoria Palace Ltd., London, 1910, shares, à 10 sh
Victoria Palace Ltd., London, 1920, shares, à 10 sh
Victoria Picture Theatres Ltd., 1911, Shares, 16 x 1 Sch
Victory Bond Club, London, 1919, Share, 1 £
Victory Bond Club, London, 1919, Share, 1 £
Victory Fishing Co., Ltd., 1919, shares, à 1 £
Viking Whaling Co., London, 1938, 100 shares, à 1 £
Viking Whaling Co., London, 1931, 10 shares, à 1 £
Viking Whaling Co., London, 1931, 100 shares, à 1 £
Village Deep Ltd., London, 1919, 18 shares, à 1 £
Vodafone Group Public Ltd. Co., New York, shares, à 5 p
Volcanic Aeration Co., Ltd., 1895, Shares, 50 x 1 £
Wah Chong Trading Co., Hong Kong, 1947, shares, à 500 HK$
Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1900, pref. shares, à 1 £
Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1901, shares, à 1 £
Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1918, shares, à 1 £
Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1920, shares, à 1 £
Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1919, pref. shares, à 1 £
Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, 1920, pref. shares, à 1 £
Walter Scott Ltd., 1914, 240 shares, à 1 £
Warner’s Radio & Electrical Ltd., London, 1937, 2000 shares, à 1 sh
Watford Manufacturing Co., London, 1918, A pref. shares, à 1 £
Wath-Up-Dearne Gas & Coke Co., Wath-Up-Dearne, 1844, Share, o.N.
Weald District Gas Light, Coke & Coal Supply Ltd., 1911, 200 pref. shares, à 1 £
Wear Valley Railway, 1847, 6 % guaranteed share, 50 £
Welsh Iron & Coal Mining Co., 1825, Share, 25 £
West African Hinterland Consolidated, London, 1902, shares, à 1 £
West Cowes Sea-Bathing Co., 1870, Share, 5 £
West Cumberland Iron and Steel Co., 1872, 1 share, à 25 £
West Indian Gold Mining Corp., London, 1889, 5 shares, à 1 £
West Indian New Gold Mining Corp., London, 1891, 50 shares, à 5 sh
West Metropolitan Tramways Co., London, 1883, 5% Debenture, 50 £
West Metropolitan Tramways Co., 1884, shares, à 10 £
West Middlesex Water Works, London, 1826, Shares, 7 x 100 £
West of England Fire and Life Insurance Co., 1884, Policy of Insurance
Western Counties Shipping Co., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Western Counties Shipping Co., 1920, Debenture, 100 £
Western Jamaica Connecting Railway, London, 1845, 10 shares, à 25 £
Western Jamaica Connecting Railway, London, 1845, 20 shares, à 25 £
Western Viscose Silk Mills Ltd., Bristol, 1926, pref. shares, à 1 £
Westminster Bank Ltd., London, 1960, … B shares, à 1 L
Westville Shipping Co., 1920, shares, à 1 £
Wey & Arun Junction Canal Co., 1834, 1 share
Wharfdale Railway Co., 1846, share, à 15 £
Whiston Collieries, Debenture, 100 £
Whitby and Robin Hood’s Bay Steam Packet Co., 1853, share, o.N.
Whitcomb Syndicate Ltd., 1908, Pref. share, 1 sh
White Lead Co., London, 1889, 50 shares, à 1 £
White Star Line Ltd., 1934, 6, 5 % Preference Shares, à 1 £
White Star Line Ltd., 1927, 6, 5 % Preference Shares, à 1 £
White Star Line Ltd., 1935, 6, 5 % Preference Shares, à 1 £
Whitehall Films, Ltd., London, 1928, Shares, 50 x 1 £
Whitehall Films, Ltd., London, 1928, Shares, 250 x 1 £
Whitehall Films, Ltd., London, 1928, Shares, 100 x 1 £
Whitehead Aircraft (1917) Ltd., 1918, shares, à 1 £
Whitehead Aircraft (1917) Ltd., 1918, Shares, 300 x 1 £
Wiener Riesen Rad Limited, London/Wien, 1898, 2 shares, à 1 £
Wiener Riesen Rad Limited, London/Wien, 1898, 5 shares, à 1 £
Wiener Riesen Rad Limited, London/Wien, 1898, 10 shares, à 1 £
Wiener Riesen Rad Limited, London/Wien, 1898, 25 shares, à 1 £
Wigan Coffee House Co., Wigan, 1887, Share, 1 £
Wigan Public Hall, Wigan, 1853, Share, 1 £
Willenhall Football Club Ltd., 1919, 2 shares, à 10 s
William III. von Oranien, Westminster, 1692, Anleihe, 600 £
William Whiteley Ltd., London, 1927, deferred shares, à 1 sh
Willys Overland Crossley, London, 1933, Shares, 1250 x 6 Sh.
Willys Overland Crossley Ltd., Heaton Chapel, near Stockport, 1926, Certificate of Indebtedness, 25 £
Willys Overland Crossley Ltd., Heaton Chapel, near Stockport, 1933, 6% pref. shares, à 6 Sh.
Wilts & Berks Canal Navigation, 1806, Share, o.N.
Wimbledon Stadium Limited, London, 1960, deferred stock, 20 £
Wimborne Minster Gas & Coal Co., 1900, Share, 10 £
Wimborne Minster Gas & Coal Co., 1837, Share, 10 £
Winchester Cemetery Co., Winchester, 1841, 1 share, à 1 £
Wisbech Corn Exchange Co., Wisbech, 1857, Share, 5 £
Witham Navigation, Lincoln, 1813, Share, o.N.
Wm. Cory & Son Ltd., 1937, shares, à 1 £
Wycliffe Steamship Co., West Hartlepool, 1881, Share, 100 £
Wymondham Gas Light & Coke Co., Wymondham, 1848, Share, 5 £
Yarmouth Aquarium Society, 1877, shares, à 5 £
Yenisei Copper Co., London, 1906, 25 shares, à 1 £
Yenisei Copper Co., London, 1903, 50 shares, à 1 £
York City and County Banking Co., York, 1890, shares, à 20 £
York City and County Banking Co., York, 1872, shares, à 25 £
Yorkshire Tannery & Boot Manufactory Ltd., 1882, 60 Pref. Shares
Zambesia Mining Development Ltd., London, 1924, shares, à 1 £