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Ein faszinierendes Sammelgebiet: von der Idee des Zionismus bis zur Entstehung des Judenstaates, dokumentiert mit historischen Wertpapieren.
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Aktuell suche ich im Kundenauftrag bis zur Bedarfsdeckung die nachfolgenden historischen Wertpapiere zur Geschichte von Israel / Palästina:
A. Siniaver & Co. Engineers Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1944, shares, à 3 £ P
Agricultural & Building Bank for Palestine Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1934, 3 % Debenture, 2 £ P.
Agrobank (Agricultural & Building Bank for Palestine) Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1941, 3 % Debenture, 2 £ P.
Agudath Netaim Soc. Ottomane de Commerce d’Agriculture et d’Industrie, Constantinople, 1920, Share, 50 Ltq.
Alexander Eliash & Co. Ltd., Bankers, Jerusalem, 1935, 5 % Certificate, 100 £ P.
Anglo-Palestine Bank, 1936, pref. shares, à 1 £
Anglo-Palestine Co., 1908-1912, shares, à 1 £
Anglo-Palestine Co. – Juedischer Nationalfond, Jaffa, 1912, 4 % Debenture, 1.000 Fr.
Arab Cigarettes & Tombac Co., Nazareth, 1933, Share, 1 LP
Arab Cigarettes & Tombac Co., Nazareth, 1936, Share, 1 LP
ARTISANS BANK Cooperative Society of Erez-Israel Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1925, Share, 1 £ Eg.
B’nai B’rith Palestine Housebilding Fund Ltd., Jerusalem, 1921, 5 % Certificate of Indebtedness
B’nai B’rith Palestine Housebilding Fund Ltd., Jerusalem, 1935, Pref. shares, à 1 L.P.
BANIM LIGVULAM Colonisation Co., Tel-Aviv, 1946, shares, à 1 £ P.
Bank Baalei Habatim Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1937, Deposit Certificate, 2 £ P.
Bank der Tempelgesellschaft, Jaffa, 1934-1935, Aktie, … x 5 £ egpt.
Bank for Agriculture & Industry Bnei-Brak Cooperative Society, Tel-Aviv, 1927, Share, 1 Egypt. £
Bank Geula – Jüdische Volkskooperative, Sofia, 1939, Aktie, 100 Lewa
Bank Geula – Jüdische Volkskooperative, Sofia, 1939, Aktie, 2 x 100 Lewa
Bank Geula – Jüdische Volkskooperative, Sofia, 1939, Aktie, 3 x 100 Lewa
Bank Geula – Jüdische Volkskooperative, Sofia, 1939, Aktie, 5 x 100 Lewa
Bank HaPoalim, Tel-Aviv, 1962, Share, 5 IL
Bank LeCredit Gomleen Coop. Soc. Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1932, Debenture, 1 £ P.
Bank Lehityashvuth Amamit BeEretz Israel, Tel-Aviv, 1937, shares, à 1 L.P.
Bank Lemlacha, Tel-Aviv, 1960, Share Lit. B, 10 IL
Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M., 1973, Share, 250 IL
Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M., 1977, share, 100 IL
Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M., 1977, Zertifikat, 1.000 IL
Bank Zerubabel Aguda Shetufit Mercazit Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1949, Share, 5 Palestine Pounds
Banque Bulgaro Palestinienne, Sofia, 1929, Aktie, 10 x 500 Lewa
Banque Commerciale de Palestine, 1911, Action, 2 Ltq.
Beit-Am Company, Tel-Aviv, 1938, shares, à 1 £ P.
BEITI – Palestine Saving & Building Co., 1941, Saving Certificate, 3 £ P.
Beth Sefer Reali Ivri, Haifa Ltd., Haifa, 1950, Share, 10 P £
Beth Sefer Reali Ivri, Haifa Ltd., Haifa, 1936, Share, 5 P £
Bicur Cholim Hospital, Jerusalem, 1925, Receipt
Binyan Haaretz Ltd., Jerusalem, 1926, share, 10 £
Binyaney Ha’ouma Ltd., Jerusalem, 1951, Anteilschein, 10 Lira
Bizur Ltd., 1950, 3 % debenture, 1.000 LI
Cattle Raising and Milk Product Co, Ltd., El-Afule, 1930, share, 1 £ P.
Central Committee Knesseth Israel for Rabbi Mayer Baal Haness Charities, Jerusalem, Share, 2 IL
Citizens’ Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1934, Share, 1 £ P.
Colonisation of Yeshiva-Students in Eretz-Israel Co., Jerusalem, 1929, 2 shares, à 1 £ P.
Cooperative Bank Bne-Binyamin, Tel-Aviv, 1934, shares, à 1 £ LP
Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande, Köln, 1927, 7 % Obligation, 500 Gulden
Deutscher Verein vom Heiligen Lande, Köln, 1927, 7 % Obligation, 1.000 Gulden
Enterprises of Assis and Bejarano Brothers Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1952, 10 ordinary B shares, à 10 IL
Erez Israel (Palestine) Foundation Fund Keren Hayesod Ltd., Jerusalem, 1928, Receipt-Certificate, 37 £ 20 sh = 450 fl.
Erez Israel (Palestine) Foundation Fund Keren Hayesod Ltd., London, 1925, Receipt-Certificate, 1 £ 5 sh 6 p
EREZ ISRAEL Siedlungsgesellschaft mbH / Jüdischer Nationalfonds (Keren Kajemeth Lejisroel) Ltd., Köln/London, 1910, Genuss-Schein, 80 Mark
Export Bank Ltd., 1964, shares, à 250 IL
Export Bank Ltd., 1955, shares, à 250 IL
Ezra V’Bitachon Investment Co., Jerusalem / Tel-Aviv, 1941, Loan, 200 £ P
Farmer’s Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1936, shares, à 5 £ P.
Fertilizers & Chemical Ltd., Haifa, 1959, Debenture, 1.000 IL
GEHA HAIFA Self Supply Company of the Hebrew Pharmaceutical Association of Palestine Ltd., Haifa, 1952, Aktie, 2 x 10 LP
General Israel Orphan’ Home for Girls in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 1932, share, à 1 £ P.
Genossenschaftskasse, 1932, Schuldv.
Geulah Company Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1922, Share, 10 £ Eg.
Gil Cooper Society, Tel-Aviv, 1929, Share, 1 £ P.
Gordon, Gas & Chemical Ltd., 1945, shares, à 1 £ P.
Government of Palestine, Jerusalem, 1945, 1 % Bond, 10 £ P.
Government of Palestine, Jerusalem, 1945, 1 % Bond, 10 £ P.
Government of Palestine (War Loan), Jerusalem, 1944, 1 % Bond, 10 £ P.
Grundbesitz Margalin, Tel-Aviv, 1942, shares, à 1 £P
HABONEH Anglo-Palestine Building Co., London, 1921, shares, à 1 £
Hachshara Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1935, shares, à 1 £ P.
Hachshara Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1935, Founders shares, à 10 £ P.
Hachshara Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1935, Pref. shares, à 1 £ P.
Halvaah VeHisachon Jaffa – Tel-Aviv Cooperative Society, Tel-Aviv, 1930, Share, 5 £ P.
Hamashbir Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1923, Share, 2 £ Eg.
Hamei Tiberia (Tiberias Hot Springs) Company Ltd., Tiberias, 1929, Pref. shares, 5 IP.
HaSochnut HaJehudit LeErez-Israel (Jewish Agency for Israel), Tel-Aviv, 1948, 3 % Nationalanleihe, 500 I.L.
HASPAKA Co. Ltd., 1960, 675 shares, à 1 IL
Haspaka GmbH, 1962, Anteilschein Lit. G, 90 x 1 IL
Haspaka GmbH, 1962, Anteilschein Lit. B, 110 x 1 IL
Hassneh, Insurance Co. of Palestine, Tel-Aviv, 1949, shares, à 1 £ P.
Hebron Town Building Fund, Hebron, 1968, Share, 5 IL
Helka Meatim WeEsser BeGush 6154 Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1957, shares, à 1 IL
HERMON Soc. Industrielle & Agricole en Palestine, Paris, 1906, Action, 100 F
Hewrat Ha-Hashmal Le-Erez-Israel, Haifa, 1956, 6, 5 % Obligation, 50 Lira
Independent Order B’nai B’rith No. 402 – I.O.B.B. Schaar-Zion Jafea – Das Amt Bnai Brith zu Jaffa, Jerusalem, 1914, 4 % Obligation, 100 Franken
Investment Corporation of Palestine Ltd., 1952, 5 % Debenture, 50 israel. £
Ishlit Finanz- und Sparkasse, Ishlit, 1956, Werbeplakat mit Aufruf zur Zeichnung einer Prämienanleihe
ISMAR Handels- und Investitionsgesellschaft AG, Jerusalem, 1958, shares, à 1 IL
Israel, 1953, 100 shares, à 1 L
Israel Credit Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv / Yafo, 1962, pref. shares, à 10 IL
Israel Discount Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1962, Dekel Cumulative Growth Fund, 10 units
Israel Discount Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1965, Brosh Unit Trust, 10 units = 1.000 IL
Israel Land Development Co., Jerusalem, 1964, 100 shares, à 1 IL
Israelische Genossenschafts-Versicherung zur gegenseitigen Versicherung, Tel-Aviv, 1932, Versicherungsschein, 300 Lirot
Jerusalem Electric & Public Service Corp., 1942, 30 pref. shares, à 1 £ P.
Jerusalem Electric & Public Service Corp., 1935, shares, à 1 Palestine £
Jerusalem Electric & Public Service Corp., 1953, 200 pref. shares, à 1 Palestine Pound
Jerusalem Electric & Public Service Corp., 1954, shares, à 1 Israel £
Jeshivath Chasidei Braslev, Jerusalem, Zertifikat, 1 IL
Jeshivath Moaril Ashlag, Jerusalem, Zertifikat, 1 IL
Jewish Colonial Trust (Juedische Colonialbank), 1900, 1 share, à 1 £
Jewish Farmers Co. in Palestine Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1945, shares, à 1 £ P.
Jüdische Kolonialbank, Tel Aviv, 1999, Ersttagsbrief
Jüdisches Krankenhaus in Jerusalem, Amsterdam, 1899, Halukah-Baustein, 6.250 F
Keren Kajemet Le-Israel (Jüdischer Nationalfonds), verschiedene
KEREN-HAYESSOD Fondul de Recladire a Palestinei, Bukarest, 1925, Zertifikat, 4.000 Lei
King Solomon Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1935, Share, 2 x 1 £ P.
King Solomon Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1937, Pref. share, 2 x 1 £ P.
King Solomon Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1938, 5 debentures, à 1 £ P.
King Solomon Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1932, Debenture Serie 1, 1 £ P.
Kinnereth Development Co., Tel-Aviv, 1936, 100 shares, à 10 £ P.
KOHELET – Verlag für die Herausgabe von Büchern des Wissens, des Studiums und für das Erlernen der hebräischen Sprache, Jerusalem, 1913, Share Lit. B, 20 Franken
Kolel Shomre HaChomoth, Jerusalem, 1931, Anteilschein, 400 Kronen
Kupat Am Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1945, pref. shares, à 5 £ P.
Kupat Am Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1939, shares, à 5 £ P.
Kupat Ashrai Eretz Israel, Credit Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1931, shares, à 1 Egypt. £
Kupat Ashrai (shel Haredei Polania Beeretz Israel), Jerusalem, 1939, Share, 2 £ P.
Kupat Ashrai (shel Haredei Polania Beeretz Israel), Jerusalem, 1946, Share, 25 £ P.
Kupat-Am Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1954, shares, à 5 IL
Kupat-Am Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1958, pref. shares Lit. D, à 5 IL
Kupat-Am Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1939, pref. shares Lit. B, à 5 £ P.
Kupat-Am Bank Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1973, shares, à 5 IL
La Palestine (Erez Israel), Paris, Action, 200 F
Landau & Company, Jaffa, 1924, 50 shares, à 1 £ Eg.
Lodzia Textile Co., Tel-Aviv, 1936, shares, à 10 £ P.
Lodzia Textile Co., Tel-Aviv, 1925, shares, à 10 £ P.
MAGAL Agricultural Development Co. Ltd., 1960, shares, à 1 IL
Mahse Ltd. Invalide Home, Tel-Aviv, 1941, Prämienanleihe, 150 LP
Man WeBerman Co. Ltd., 1958, Founder share, 100 £ P.
Man WeBerman Co. Ltd., 1958, 33 shares, à 100 £ P.
MAON Housing Co., Haifa, 1945, shares, à 5 £ P.
Medizinische Gewerkschaft Israels – Zweigstelle Haifa, Haifa, 1958, Innere Anleihe, 25 $
Medizinische Gewerkschaft Israels – Zweigstelle Haifa, Haifa, 1958, Innere Anleihe, 50 $
Metropolin Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1928, 440 shares, à 5 £ P.
Metropolin Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1938, 3 ordinary shares A, à 1 £ P.
Mifalei Yam Hamelah B. M. (Dead Sea Works Ltd), London, 1956, Share B, 1 £ P.
Mifaley Haoved Hazioni Co., Tel-Aviv, 1952, Shares, 5 x 1 £ P.
Mischar W’Taasia Publishing & Exhibition Co., 1934, Pref. share, 1 L.P.
Mizrahi Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1924, Share, 1 £ Eg.
Mizrahi Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1937, Share, 1 £ Eg.
Mortgage & Savings Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1950, 5 % Debenture, 50 IL
Nahelet Margolin Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1942, shares, à 1 LP
National Bank of Palestine Ltd. (Bank Leumi Erez-Israel), 1935, 12 pref. shares, à 1 £ P.
National Bank of Palestine Ltd. (Bank Leumi Erez-Israel), 1932, Founders share, 2 £ P.
Nationaltheater Habimah, Tel-Aviv, 1932, Brick tio build a permanent home for the first Jewish Theater
NIR Jewish Agricultural Cooperative Labour Association, Tel-Aviv, 1934, 1 pref. share, à 1 £ P.
OHEL SARAH Home for those returning from Exile, Tel-Aviv, 1930, Zertifikat, 2 £ P.
Olim-Bonim Ltd., Jerusalem, 1924, Pref. share, 1000 £ Eg.
ORIENT Co., Tel-Aviv, 1938, Investment-Zertifikat
Otsar Ha-Hayal Ltd., 1953, shares, à 1 £ P.
Otzar Hityashvuth Hayehudim B.M., 1952, shares, à 1 I.L.
Otzar Hityashvuth Hayehudim B.M., 1963, shares, à 1 I.L.
Otzar Hityashvuth Hayehudim Jewish Colonial Trust, 1956, shares, à 2 sh 6 p
Ozar Mif’Alei Yam B.M. (Marine Trust Ltd.), Tel-Aviv, 1936, shares, à 1 LP
Pagi Financial Corp. of Agudat Israel Labourers Jersualem, Jerusalem, 1930, Pref. Share, 5 L.P.
Palästina-Amt – Fürsorgekomitee für Palästina-Emigranten, Wien, 1925, Schuldschein, 200.000 Kr.
Palästina-Gründungsfond (Head office Jerusalem), Prag, 1930, Anteil, 1.000 Kc
Palästina-Gründungsfond (Head office London), Prag, 1923, Anteil, 5.000 Kc
Palameric-Trade Company Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1943, Zertifikat, à 5 L.P.
Palameric-Trade Company Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1943, Zertifikat, à 2 L.P.
Palestine Amelioration Co. of Raananiya Ltd., Jerusalem, 1924, Share, 5 £ Eg.
Palestine Building Loan & Saving Association, Jerusalem, 1926, shares, à 1 £
Palestine Corporation, ‘s Gravenhage / Amsterdam, 1937, Recepis für Aktien, à x £P
Palestine Economic Corp., (Maine), 1959, Shares, diverse
Palestine Electric Corporation, London, 1923, pref. shares, à 5 £
Palestine Electric Corporation, London, 1950, pref. stock certificate
Palestine Foundation Fund, 1922, Keren Hayesod Sacrifice Bond, 25 $
Palestine Hotels Ltd., 1948, 25 shares, à 1 £
Palestine Industrial Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1943, shares, à 1 £ P.
Palestine Industrial Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1936, shares, à 1 £ P.
Palestine Kupat-Am Bank, Co-operative Society, Tel-Aviv, 1930, Share, 5 £ P. 128 Mills
Palestine Land Development Co., 1912, Share, 1 £
Palestine Land Development Co., 1909, shares, à 1 £
Palestine Land Development Co., 1926, shares, à 1 £
Palestine Mortgage & Savings Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1949, 5 % Debenture, 50 IL
Palestine Mortgage & Savings Bank, Tel-Aviv, 1949, 5 % Debenture, 100 IL
Palestine National Cinemas Ltd., Jaffa, 1945, shares, à 1 £ P.
Palestine-British Bank, 1961, Share, 500 x 2 IL
Palestine-British Bank Ltd., 1963, Share, 10 x 10 IL
PEC Israel Economic Corp., Maine, 1976, 1 share
PEC Israel Economic Corp., Maine, 1963, shares, à 25 $
Rabbi Mair Baal Haness Charity – Kolel Ahavath Zion (Jewish Siebenbürgen – Trabsylvanian Cong.), Jerusalem, Zertifikat, 46 IL
Relief & Consolidation Housing Co., Tel-Aviv, 1947, 3 % debenture, 10 £ P.
S. Friedman & Sons, Carmel Original, Haifa and Petah-Tiqvah, 1929, 6 % Bond, 500 $
S. Friedman & Sons, Carmel Original, Haifa and Petah-Tiqvah, 1929, 6 % Bond, 100 $
Safepack Products Ltd., 1973, shares, à 180 IL
Shefa Bank Ltd., Jerusalem, 1932, 1 share, à 1 £ P.
SINAI Publishing Co., Jerusalem, 1930, Share, 1 £ P.
SOLELBONEH Jewish Workers Cooperative Association for Public Works Builduing & Manufacture, Jerusalem, 1924, pref. shares, à 1 £ Eg.
Staat Israel, 1955, Volksanleihe, 10 Lira
Staat Israel, 1952, 4 % Obligation, 20 IL
Staat Israel, 1952, 4 % Obligation, 5 IL
Staat Israel, 1949, Obligation, 20 IL
Staat Israel – Kriegsanleihe 1954-1959, Tel-Aviv, 3, 5 % Bond, 150 IL
Staat Israel – Kriegsanleihe von 1974, Tel-Aviv, 3 % Obligation, 5.500 IL
Stadt Haifa, 1953, 4 % Obligation, 10 IL
Stadt Haifa, 1964, 5 % Obligation, 10 IL
Stadt Netanja, 1959, 4 % Obligation, 10 IL
Stadt Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, 1951, 5 % Obligation, 10 IL
State of Israel, New York, 1967, 4 % Bond, 3.000 $
Talmud-Tora-Schule des Himmels, Lebensversicherungs-Police
TARO Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Haifa, 1953, Shares Class A, 100 IL.
Tehiya-Hagalil Co. (Vivication of Galilee Co.), Tiberias, 1934, Pref. shares, 50 Mils
Tel-Aviv Development Co., Tel-Aviv, 1937, shares, à 5 £ P.
The Investment Company of Export Bank Ltd., 1964, 100 shares, à 10 IL
The Investment Company of Export Bank Ltd., 1964, 50 shares, à 10 IL
Union Bank, Haifa, 1937, shares class B, à 1 L.P.
Workers Bank Ltd. (Bank HaPoalim), Tel-Aviv, 1924, Share, 1 £ Eg.
Workers Bank Ltd. (Bank HaPoalim), Tel-Aviv, 1923, 3 shares, à 1 £ Eg.
Workers Bank Ltd. (Bank HaPoalim), Tel-Aviv, 1925, Share, 1 £ Eg.
Yeshiva Torat Haim, Jerusalem, 1907, Prämienanleihe, 20 F Gold
ZACHAL Co. Ltd., Tel-Aviv, 1954-1955, shares, à 1 IL
Zarchan Konsumgenossenschaft, Haifa, 1967, Anteilschein, 100 IL
Zarchan Konsumgenossenschaft, Haifa, 1967, Anteilschein, 50 IL
Zerubabel Bank, Cooperative Society, Tel-Aviv, 1938, Pref. share, 1 Palestine Pounds
Zionist Club, Haifa, 1947, Share, 2 x 5 IL
Ziratron, Tel Aviv, 1950, Share, 100 x 1 £ P
ZOHAR Nationalanleihe, Tel-Aviv, 1959, Sammelurkunde über 5 Staatsanleihen