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Aktuell suche ich im Kundenauftrag bis zur Bedarfsdeckung die nachfolgenden historischen Wertpapiere zur Geschichte von China:
![Republic of China, Pacific Development Loan, Bond über 1000 US-$ von 1937](https://aktien.gutowski.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Republic_of_China-1937.jpg)
American – Oriental Bank of Szechuen, Szechuen, 1929, share
Atlas Industries Ltd., Hong Kong, 1985, shares, à 0, 25 HK$
Bank of Hindustan, China & Japan, 1863, Share, 100 £
Banque de l’Indochine S.A. (Société Indochinoise d’Électricité), Paris, 1965, Bon de droit a Répartition, o.N.
Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A., Paris, 1913, Action, 500 F + Action de Fondateur
Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A., Paris, 1919, Action, 500 F
Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A., Paris, 1920, Certificat d’Actions, 50 x 500 F
Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A., Paris, 1923, Bon de Répartition, 500 F
Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A., Paris, 1925, Certificat d’Actions, 2 x 500 F
Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A., Paris, 1925, Transactional Settlement scrip, 1 44/00 Gold $
Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A., Paris, 1933, Certificat d’Actions, 20 x 500 F
Bin-Han Railway, 1934, Treasury Note, 50 Yüan
British Municipal Council Tientsin, Tientsin, 1934, 5 % Debenture, 100 $ Tientsin Currency
Canton-Hankow Eisenbahn, 1930, Anleihe, 4 Yuan
Canton-Hankow Eisenbahn, 1930, Anleihe, 40 Yuan
Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., Hongkong, 1997, 1 share, à 0.20 HK$
Central Savings Association, 1940, 2.000 $
Central Savings Association, 1940, 1.000 $
China Airways Federal Inc. U.S.A., 1933, shares, à 10 $
China Biological & Chemical Laboratories Ltd.,
China Consolidated Bonds of the Eight Year National Loan, 1921, 7 % Bond, 1 $
China Eastern Airlines Corp., New York, 2001, share, à 1 $
China Match Company, Shanghai, 1948, shares, à 10 Yuan
China Motor Corp., 1948, Class A shares, à 100 $
China Nan Yang Brothers Tobacco Corporation, Shanghai, 1932, shares, à 15 Yuan
China North Industries, 1940, Aktie, 100 Yen
China Ping On Marine & Fire Insurance, Hongkong, 1915, 40 shares, à 25$
China Railway & Mining Corp., 1900, Share, 1 £
China Southern Airlines Co., New York, 1999, share, à 1 $
China Steam Ship and Labuan Coal Company, Ltd., 1865, 6 % Bond, 20 £
China Steam Ship and Labuan Coal Company, Ltd., 1865, 6 % Bond, 100 £
China Tobacco Securities Co., 1942, shares, à 500 Gold Yuan
Chinese Central Government Loan, 1913, 6 % Bond, 1.000 £
Chinese Central Government Loan, 1913, 6 % Bond, 100 £
Chinese Central Government Loan, 1913, 6 % Bond, 50 £
Chinese Foreign Knitting Co. of China Ltd., Victoria, Hongkong, 1920, 3 shares, à 10 $
Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) – 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan, 1934, 6 % Bond, 50 £
Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) – 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan, 1934, 6 % Bond, 1000 £
Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) – 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan, 1934, 6 % Bond, 100 £
Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 1912, 5 % Gold Bond, 20 £
Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 1912, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £
Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 1912, 5 % Gold Bond, 500 £
Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 1912, 5 % Gold Bond, 1.000 £
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £ = 2.045 Mark = 2.525 F = 947 Rbl.
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Loan, 505 F
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 409 Mark
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 189, 40 Rubel
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 20 £
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 2.045 Mark = 100 £ = 2.525 F = 947 Rbl. = 979, 60 Yen
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £ = 2.045 Mark = 2.525 F = 947 Rbl.
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond Interimsschein, 409 Mark
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £ = 2.045 Mark = 2.525 F = 947 Rbl.
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 189, 40 Rubel
Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, 5 % Gold Bond Interimsschein, 2.045 Mark
Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loans of 1908 and 1910, London, 1938, Fractional Scrip Certificate, 12.0.0 £
Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loans of 1908 and 1910, London, 1938, Fractional Scrip Certificate, 11.10.0 £
Chinese Government 6 % Internal Loan 1916 (5th Year of the Republic of China), 1919, 6 % Bond, 10 $
Chinese Government Canton-Kowloon Railway, London, 1938, Fractional Scrip Certificate, 1/3 Bond à 11 £
Chinese Government Honan Railway 5 % Gold Loan of 1905, London, 1938, Fractional Scrip Certificate, 1/3 Bond à 9 £
Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II), 1925, 8 % Bond, 5 £
Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II), 1925, 8 % Bond, 100 £
Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II), 1925, 8 % Bond, 50 £
Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II), 1925, 8 % Bond, 1.000 £
Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II), 1925, 8 % Bond, 10 £
Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II), 1925, 8 % Bond, 500 £
Chinese Government National Loan, 1914, 6 % Bond, 5 $
Chinese Government Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Railway, 1936, 6 % Bond, 50 £
Chinese Government Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Railway, 1936, 6 % Bond, 100 £
Chinese Government, Shanghai-Fengching Railway, 1914, 6 % Bond, 1.000 £ stg.
Chinese Government, Shanghai-Nanking Railway, 1913, 6 % Land Bond, 1.000 £ stg.
Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan), Peking, 1919, 8 % Treasury Note, 100 £
Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan), Peking, 1919, 8 % Treasury Note, 500 £
Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan), 1919, 8 % Treasury Note (Vickers Loan), 1.000 £
Chinese Govt. Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo-RW, 1936, Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1896 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe in Gold von 1896), Berlin, 1896, 5 % Bond, 25 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1896 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe von 1896), Berlin, 1896, 5 % Obligation, 50 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1896 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe von 1896), Berlin, 1896, 5 % Obligation, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1896 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe von 1896), London, 1896, 5 % Bond Lit. C, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe), Berlin, 1898, 5 % Gold Bond, 50 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe), Berlin, 1898, 5 % Gold Bond, 25 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe), Berlin, 1898, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe), London, 1898, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe), London, 1898, 5 % Gold Bond, 500 £
Chinese Imperial Government Honan Railway 5 % Gold Loan of 1905, London, 1905, 5 % Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Railway Canton-Kowloon Railway, London, 1907, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Imperial Railways of North China), London, 1899, 5 % Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Shanghai-Nanking Railway) III, 1907, 5 % Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Shanghai-Nanking Railway) II, London, 1904, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £
Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Shanghai-Nanking Railway) I, London, 1904, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £
Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow-Eisenbahn-Anleihen von 1908 u. 1910, Berlin, 1937, Quittung, für 24 Kupons à 2.10 £
Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow-Staatseisenbahn , 1938, Zinslose Sterling-Fundierungs-Anteilscheine Ser. A, 12 £
Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow-Staatseisenbahn , 1938, Zinslose Sterling-Fundierungs-Anteilscheine Ser. A, 2.8.0 £
Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow-Staatseisenbahn , 1938, Zinslose Sterling-Fundierungs-Anteilscheine Ser. A, 10 £
Chung Wai Bank Ltd., Shanghai, 1948, Aktie,
Cie. Française de Tramways & d’Eclairage Électriques de Shanghai, Paris, 1932, Action, 2.500 F
Cie. Française de Tramways & d’Eclairage Électriques de Shanghai, Paris, 1952, Action, 2.500 F
Cie. Française des Chemins de Fer de l’Indo-Chine & du Yunnan, Paris, 1956, 3 % Obligation, 500 F
Cie. Française des Chemins de Fer de l’Indo-Chine & du Yunnan S.A., Paris, 1901, 3 % Obligation, 500 F
Club Concordia in Schanghai, Schanghai, 1904, 7, 5 % Schuldv., 100 Shanghai Taels
Club Concordia in Tientsin, 1935, 6 % Schuldv., 100 $ Tientsin Währung
Comp. de Tramways & d’Eclairage de Tientsin, Brüssel, 1919, Action, o.N.
Compagnie Financière Belgo-Chinoise, Brüssel, 1926, Aktie, 50 $ Chinois
Compagnie Financière Belgo-Chinoise, Brüssel, 1926, Part de Fondateur,
Comptoir Charles Ley S.A., Brüssel, 1925, action, 1.000 chin. $
Comptoir Charles Ley S.A., Brüssel, 1923, action, 1.000 chin. $
Crédit Foncier Chinois S.A., Paris, 1910, Part bénéficiaire,
Dan Hua Match Corporation, 1954, shares, à 10.000 Yuan
Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Shanghai, 1900, Actie, 1.000 Shanghai-Taels
Deutsch-Chinesische Seiden-Industrie-Gesellschaft (Kolonialgesellschaft), Berlin, 1905, Anteilschein Lit. B, 500 Mark
Deutsch-Chinesische Seiden-Industrie-Gesellschaft (Kolonialgesellschaft), Berlin, 1905, Anteilschein Lit. A, 500 Mark
Dong Feng Motor Finance Co. Ltd., Shiyan, 1992, 100 shares, à 1 Yüan
Effekten- und Waren-Börse Shanghai, 1920, Anteil, 5.000 Yuan
Ek Chor China Motorcycle Co., Bermuda, 1999, 1 share, à 0.01 $
Ek Chor China Motorcycle Co. Ltd., Bermuda, 2001, 1 share, à 0.10 $
Emprunt Chinois 5 % Or 1902 (Cheng-Tail Railway), Paris, 1928, Scrip für 2 Kupons,
Emprunt Chinois 5 % Or 1902 (Cheng-Tail Railway), Paris, 1935, Scrip für 1 Obligation,
Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la République Chinoise, Paris, 1914, 5 % Obligation, 500 F
Ewo Cotton Mills Ltd., Shanghai, 1947, shares, à 5 Shanghai Taels
Fou Foong Flour Mill Co., Shanghai, 1920, Aktie, 3 x 100 Yüan
Gen Yue Land Co., Shanghai, 1944, 500 Shares, 5000 Yüan
Gouvernement Chinois – 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913, St. Petersburg, 1913, 5 % Gold Bond (Certificat Provisoire), 189, 40 Rbl.
Gouvernement Chinois Emprunt de Réorganisation 5 % 1913 Tranche Russe, Paris, 1922, Récépissé
Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise, 1912, 8 % Bon prov. du Tresor, 9 £
Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise, C.d.F. Lung-Tsing-U-Hai, Brüssel, 1923, 8 % Bond, 500 Frs.
Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-u-Hai-Eisenbahn, Brüssel, 1920, 8 % Schatzanweisung, 500 F
Gouvernement de la République Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai, Brüssel, 1921, 8 % Bond, 500 Frs.
Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai, Paris, 1925, 8 % Bon du Tresor, 500 F
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine, St.-Petersburg, 1895, 4 % Obligation, 500 F = 404 Mark = 19.15.6 £ = 239 fl. = 125 Rbl.
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine, St.-Petersbourg, 1895, 4 % Obligation, 2.500 F = 2.020 Mark = 98.17.6 £ = 1.195 hfl = 625 Rbl.
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Emprunt 1903), Brüssel, 1907, 5 % Obligation, 500 Frs.
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Emprunt 1903), Brüssel, 1905, 5 % Obligation, 500 Frs.
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Emprunt 1903) Duplicata, Brüssel, 1905, 5 % Obligation, 500 Frs.
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine – Emprunt Chinois 5 % Or 1902 (Cheng-Tail Railway), Paris, 1903, 5 % Gold-Obligation, 500 F
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine – Emprunt Chinois 5 % Or 1905 (Peking-Hankow Railway), Liège, 1905, 5 % Obligation, 500 F
Governement de la Republique Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-u-Hai-Eisenbahn, Brüssel, 1920, 8 % Schatzanweisung, 500 F
Governement of the Chinese Republic, Railway Equipment Loan 1922, Brüssel, 1922, 8 % Loan, 20 £ = 1.200 Frs.
Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway, Brüssel, 1913, 5 % Gold Bond, 20 £
Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan), Peking, 1918, 8 % Treasury Bill, 1.000 £
Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan), Peking, 1918, 8 % Treasury Bill, 100 £
Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan), Peking, 1918, 8 % Treasury Bill, 500 £
Government of the Province of Petchili, Antwerpen, 1913, 5, 5 % Gold Bond, 20 £
Han Yeh Ping Iron & Coal Co. Ltd., Peking, 1915, Shares, à 50 $
Han Yeh Ping Iron & Coal Co. Ltd., Peking, 1914, 5 shares, à 50 $
Hongkong & Kowloon Land & Loan Co., 1920, Share,
Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., London, 1898, 2 shares, à 125 $
Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp., London, 1906, shares, à 125 $
Hupei Reconstruction Loan 1935, 1935, 6 % Bond, 100 Yuan
Railway Loan of 1911 (Peking-Hankow Railway), 1911, 5 % Gold Loan, 5.000 Yen
Imperial Chinese Governement – Railway Loan of 1911 (Peking-Hankow Railway), 1911, 5 % Gold Loan, 500 Yen
Imperial Chinese Governement – Railway Loan of 1911 (Peking-Hankow Railway), 1911, 5 % Gold Loan, 100 Yen
Imperial Chinese Governement – Railway Loan of 1911 (Peking-Hankow Railway), 1911, 5 % Gold Loan, 1000 Yen
Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan, 1911, 5 % Gold Bond, 100 £
Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan, 1911, 5 % Gold Bond, 20 £
Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan , 1908, 5 % Bond, 100 £
Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan, 1911, 5 % Bond, 100 £
Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 1908, London, 1909, 5 (4, 5) % Gold Bond, 100 £
Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 1908, London, 1909, 5 (4, 5) % Gold Bond, 20 £
Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn Ergänzungs-Anleihe von 1910, 5 % Obligation, 100 £
Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn Ergänzungs-Anleihe von 1910, 5 % Obligation, 20 £
Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn-Anleihe, 1908, 5 % Obligation, 20 £
Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn-Anleihe, 1908, 5 % Obligation, 100 £
Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn-Anleihe, 1908, 5 % Obligation, 20 £
Kaoshiung International Theatre Ltd., Kaoshiung (Taiwan), 1953, Anteilschein, 10 Yuan
![Kuangtun Canton-Hankow Railway Company (Kwong-Tung Yueh-Han), Aktie über 5 x 5 Yuan von 1914. Die bedeutende Bahn wurde gebaut von dem Ingenieur Jeme Tien Yor, der auch die Kaiserliche Eisenbahn Peking-Kalgan (Beijing-Zhangjiakou) baute.](https://aktien.gutowski.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Kuangtun_Canton-Hankow_Railway-1914.jpg)
Kuangtun Canton-Hankow Railway Company (Kwong-Tung Yueh-Han), 1914, Share, 5 x 5 Yuan (Kurzbeschreibung mit Bild)
L’Energie Electrique, Tientsin, 1939, Obligation, 100 $
Leun On Fire & Marine Insurance, 1930, Share,
Lhasa Ltd., Lhasa, 1993, Zertifikat,
Luen Tsui Investment Co., Hong Kong, 1932, Sammelaktie, 20 x 500 Yuan
Manchurian Government, 1943, Anleihe, 100 Yüan
Mid China Promotion Co., 1938, Share, 50 Yen
Ministerium für Eisenbahnbau, 1930, 2 % Anleihe, 100 Yüan
Ministerium für Eisenbahnbau, 1930, 2 % Anleihe, 4 Yüan
Ministerium für Eisenbahnbau, 1930, 2 %o Anleihe, 40 Yüan
Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Co. Ltd., 1954, 500 shares,
National Government of China Rehabiliation Short Term Bonds, 1928, 8 % Bond, 10 $
National Government of the Republic of China – Air Force Loan, 1941, Bond, 10 $
National Government of the Republic of China – Air Force Loan, 1941, Bond, 5 $
National Government of the Republic of China – Allied Victory Bond 1942, 1942, 6 % Bond, 10000 $
National Government of the Republic of China – Allied Victory US Dollar Loan 1942, 4 % Bond, 20 US-$
National Government of the Republic of China – Allied Victory US Dollar Loan 1942, 4 % Bond, 50 US-$
National Government of the Republic of China – Allied Victory US Dollar Loan 1942, 4 % Bond, 100 US-$
National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond, 1937, 4 % Anleihe, 10 $
National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond, 1937, 4 % Anleihe, 50 $
National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond, 1937, 4 % Anleihe, 100 $
National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond, 1937, 4 % Anleihe, 1.000 $
National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond, 1937, 4 % Anleihe, 5 $
National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond (Perak Stamp), 1937, 4 % Anleihe, 5 $
Nationalist Government Lottery Loan 1931, 1931, Lottery Loan, 5 x 1 Yüan
Nationalist Government Lottery Loan of the 15th Year of the Republic of China, 1926, Lottery Loan, 5 $
Nationalist Government Lottery Loan of the 15th Year of the Republic of China, 1927, Lottery Loan, 5 $
New China Textile Co. Ltd., 1944, Shares, 500 x 500 Yuan
New China Textile Co. Ltd., 1944, Shares, 100 x 100 Yuan
Nord-China Entwicklungs AG (KITA-SHINA KAIHATSU KK), 1938, Namensaktie, 10 x 50 Yen
Palace Theatre, Changsha (Hunan), 1940, 10 shares,
Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., London, 1905, 25 Shansi Shares, à 1 £
Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., London, 1909, 5 Shansi Shares, à 1 £
Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., London, 1909, 1 Shansi Share, à 1 £
Peking Suiyuan Railway, 1934, Employee Loan, 50 Yüan
Peoples Republic of China, 1959, 5 % Loan, 1/100 of new Yüan
Province Hunan, 1933, 4 % Bond, 500 $
Province Hunan, 1933, 4 % Bond, 10 Yüan
Province Hunan, 1933, 4 % Bond, 50 Yüan
Province Hunan, 1933, 4 % Bond, 100 Yüan
Provincial Government of Kwang-Tung (China), 1912, 8 % Bond, 10 $
Provinz Anhui, 1910, Bond, 100 K’u-p’ing taels
Provinz Fukien – Local Reorganisation Loan, 1928, 5 % Bond, 5 x 1 Yuan
Provinz Kwang-Tung, Kwang-Tung, 1912, Anleihe, 10 Canton-$
Provinz Kwangtung, 1912, 8 % Anleihe Lit. A, 5 $
Provinz Kwangtung, 1912, 8 % Anleihe, 10 $
Provinz Kwangtung, 1912, 8 % Anleihe Lit. A + Lit. B, 5 $
Provinz Kwangtung, 1912, 8 % Anleihe Lit. A, 2 $
Provinz Kwangtung Military Loan, 1931, 5 % Anleihe, 5 Yüan
Provinz Kwangtung Military Loan, 1931, 5 % Anleihe, 10 Yüan
Provinz Kwangtung Military Loan, 1932, 5 % Military Loan, 5 x 1 Yüan
Provinz Kwangtung Military Loan, 1931, 10 % Military Loan, 5 x 1 $
Provinz Kwangtung – National Defense, 1938, 6 % Military Loan, 5 Yüan
Provinz Kwangtung – National Defense, 1938, 6 % Military Loan, 1000 Yüan
Provinz Kwangtung – National Defense, 1938, 6 % Military Loan, 50 Yüan
Provinz Kwangtung – National Defense, 1938, 6 % Military Loan, 100 Yüan
Provinz Kwangtung – National Defense, 1933, 4 % Military Loan, 10 Yüan
Republic of China, 1937, 2-4 % Bond, 1.000 $ (Kurzbeschreibung mit Bild)
Republic of China, 1919, 6 % Gold Bond, 1.000 $
Republic of China, 1912, 6 % Treasury Bill Lit. B, 1.000 Shanghai Taels = 2.745 Mark
Republic of China, 1947, 20 % Treasury Note, 10 US-$
Republic of China, 1947, 6 % Gold Bond, 50 US-$
Republic of China, 1937, 2-4 % Bond, 100 $
Republic of China, 1937, 2-4 % Bond, 500 $
![Republic of China, 6 % Treasury Bill 1.000 Shanghai Taels. Zahlbar bei der Deutsch-Asiatischen Bank in Peking. Verwendung: verschiedene industrielle Zwecke.](https://aktien.gutowski.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Republic_of_China-1912.jpg)
1.000 Shanghai Taels. Zahlbar bei der Deutsch-Asiatischen Bank in Peking. Verwendung: verschiedene industrielle Zwecke
Republic of China, 1912, 6 % Treasury Bill Lit. G, 1.000 Shanghai Taels = 2.745 Mark
Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan, 1940, 5 % Bond, 10 US-$
Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan, 1940, 5 % Bond, 5 US-$
Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan, 1940, 5 % Bond, 1000 US-$
Republic of China – 27th year gold loan, 1938, 5 % Bond, 5 US-$
Republic of China – 27th year gold loan, 1938, 5 % Bond, 10 US-$
Republic of China – 27th year gold loan, 1938, 5 % Bond, 50 US-$
Republic of China – Allied Victory Loan 1944, 6 % Bond, 50000 Yüan
Republic of China – Allied Victory Loan 1944, 6 % Bond, 200 Yüan
Republic of China – Militär-Anleihe 1917, 8 % Bond, 100 $
Republic of China – Militär-Anleihe 1917, 8 % Bond, 1000 $
Republic of China – National Defense 1938, 6 % Military Loan, 10 Yüan
Republic of China – National Defense 1938, 1938, 6 % Military Loan, 100 Yüan
Republic of China (Public Loan for the Military Requirements), 1912, 8 % Bond, 5 $
Republic of China (Public Loan for the Military Requirements), 1912, 8 % Bond, 100 $
Republik China, Kanton, 1938, Militäranleihe, 5 Yüan
Republik China, 1930, Eisenbahnanleihe, 100 Yüan
Republik China Lung-Tsing-u-Hai-Eisenbahn, ‘s-Gravenhage, 1920, 8 % Obligation, 1.000 fl.
Republik China – United Nationalist Loan, 1936, 6 % Bond , 100 Yüan
Republik China – United Nationalist Loan, 1936, 6 % Bond, 1.000 Yüan
Republik China – United Nationalist Loan, 1936, 6 % Bond, 5.000 Yuan
Republique Chinoise, London, 1925, 5 % Gold Bond, 50 $
Republique Chinoise, Peking, 1928, 6 % Belgian Boxer Indemnity, 100 Gold $
S.A. de la Parfumerie Bourjois Shanghai, 1927, 20 Actions, à 5.000 Schweizerfranken
Second Nationalist Government Lottery Loan of the 15th Year of the Republic of China, 1926, 1926, Lottery Loan, 5 $ Canton Währung
Selbstverwaltungskommittee für Kanton, 1931, 3 % Anleihe, 1 Yüan
Shanghai-Nanking Railway, London, 1904, Net Profit Sub-Certificate,
Shih Pei Private Mittelschule, Shanghai, 1934, 4 % Schuldv., 100 Yuan
Soc. Franco-Chinoise de Crédit S.A., Paris, 1911, Part de Fondateur,
Société Belge d’Entreprises en Chine, Brüssel, 1924, action, 500 Frs.
South Manchuria Railway Co., 1933, Aktie, 50 Yen
South Manchuria Railway Co., 1933, Aktie, 10 x 500 Yen
South Manchuria Railway Co., 1940, Aktie, 10 x 50 Yen
South Manchuria Railway Co., 1920, Aktie, 500 Yen
South Manchuria Railway Co., 1933, Aktie, 500 Yen
South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd., 1920, Aktie, 10 x 50 Yen
South Manchuria Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd., 1925, Aktie, 10 x 50 Yen
Stadt Harbin, K’ang, 1940, 5 % Bond, 100 Yen
Stadt Harbin, Public Flood Control, Harbin, 1940, 5 % Bond, 1.000 Yen
Taiwan Electric Power Co. (Taiwan Denryoku KK), 1919, Aktie, 5 x 50 Yen
![Taiwan Electric Power Co. (Taiwan Denryoku KK), Gold Bond über 1000 US-$ von 1931. Es gibt kaum historische Wertpapiere aus Taiwan!](https://aktien.gutowski.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Taiwan_Electric_Power-1931.jpg)
Taiwan Electric Power Co. (Taiwan Denryoku KK), 1931, 5, 5 % Gold Bond, 1.000 $ (Kurzbeschreibung mit Bild)
Taiwan Electric Power Co. (Taiwan Denryoku KK), 1919, Share, 10 x 50 Yen
Taiwan Electric Power Co. (Taiwan Denryoku KK), 1936, Share, 10 x 50 Yen
Tientsin Land Investment Co., Tientsin, 1929, 7 % General Mortgage Debenture, 100 Taels
Tientsin Land Investment Co., Tientsin, 1929, 7 % General Mortgage Debenture, 1.000 Taels
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan of 1908, 1936, Receipt, 11.10 £
Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan of 1908, 1936, Receipt, 12 £
Tsingtao Brewery Co., 1996, 1 share, à 1 RMB
Tsingtao Grand Hotel K.K., Tsingtao, N. China, 1920, Aktie, 10 x 50 Yen
Tsingtao Grand Hotel K.K., Tsingtao, N. China, 1916, Aktie, 50 x 50 Yen
Tung Whan Lung Great Highway Co., Kanton, 1935, Share,
Tungkuen District Highway Co., 1927, Share,
West Korea Joint Electric Power Co. Ltd., 1936, Bond, 1.000 Yen
Wing On Co., 1939, Share, 100.000 HK$
Xin-Xin Warenhaus AG, Shanghai, 1926, Share, 1.000 Yüan
Yünnan-Szechuan Tern Yue Railway, 1909, Share, 5 Tael
Yunnan Sichuan (Tern Yue Railway), Yunnan, China, 1903, Aktie, 5 Taels